Practical Woodworking

National 4/ National 5

Course Overview

The National 5 Practical Woodworking course provides opportunities for pupils to gain a range of theoretical and practical woodworking skills relating to tools, equipment, processes and materials. They also develop skills in reading and interpreting working drawings and related documents as well as an understanding of health and safety. The course is practical, exploratory and experiential in nature. It engages candidates with technologies, allowing them to consider the impact that practical technologies have on our environment and society. Through this, they develop skills, knowledge and understanding of: 

Pupils will work through 3 tasks which will develop the knowledge and skills required to successfully pass 3 mandatory units enabling them to start the assignment. The projects are:

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr L Ball

Assessment Methods

NATIONAL 4 - pupils will complete 3 Unit assessments based around the 3 areas of study and an Added Value Unit, Making a Finished Product from Wood (N4).  This work is assessed by the class teacher and verified by school staff and/or SQA visiting verifiers. 

NATIONAL 5 – pupils will complete assessment tasks throughout the course to ensure they are making appropriate progress.  This course is assessed by a Question Paper worth 30% of the course award, is part of the SQA diet of exams and marked externally.  The Practical Activity worth 70% of the course assessment is completed in class in an extended period of time under supervision of the class teacher.  The Practical Activity is set by the SQA and marked by school staff in line with SQA marking instructions and subject to verification by other staff and/or SQA visiting verifiers. 

Learning and Teaching

Learning in this course should be primarily hands-on and experiential.  Activities used within the course will stimulate pupils’ interest and develop skills and knowledge to ensure success.  Whole class demonstration is an important part of the learning and teaching and will be followed up by sessions with individual pupils or small groups.  Group work is a fundamental aspect of working in practical technologies. 

Progression Pathway

Pupils achieving a pass at N4 level could consider moving on to study for N5 Practical Woodworking.  Those achieving a pass at N5 will find it useful for entering employment in craft-based industries or moving on to further studies through a College course.