今峰由香ピアノリサイタルラヴェル ピアノ全作品演奏会第1回

YUka Imamine Piano Recital

Ravel Complete Piano Works 

Part 1  ~A Three-Part Series

2月2日 (日)15時開演 14時30分開場  Sunday, February 23rd 2025 15:00 Doors open 14:30








ヴィンテージ・ピアノ 1920年製ベーゼンドルファー250      ”リスト・フリューゲル” が使用されます。大阪大学所有


Maurice Ravel

Menuet antique

Jeux d'eau

Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn


Miroirs, complete

Bösendorfer 250 “Liszt Flügel”, a very special vintage piano, manufactured in Vienna in1920 will be used. The  Property of The University of Osaka. 


荻原哲 ワンコイン市民コンサート実行委員会事務局代表・大阪大学名誉教授


第一回 ラヴェルのヴォイスの出現

初期と印象派作品: ラヴェルの芸術的アイデンティティを確立し、初期の探求を示す作品群。





クープランの墓 他


超越と崇高: 最後のコンサートは、超越し、感情的かつ精神的な解決をもたらす。

夜のガスパール 他

The complete Ravel piano pieces are divided into three concerts.

First Concert: Early and Impressionistic Works: The first concert establishes Ravel’s artistic identity, showing his early explorations.

Program: Menuet antique, Jeux d'eau, Menuet sur le nom d'Haydn, Sonatine, Miroirs

Second Concert: "Heritage and Renewal" Neo-Classical Centerpiece: The second concert celebrates his intellectual engagement with tradition and reinvention.

Program Core: Le tombeau de Couperin

Third Concert: Transcendence and the Sublime: The final concert transcends, delivering an emotional and spiritual resolution.

Program Core: Gaspard de la nuit and others

Transcendence: Surpassing Human Limits, Beyond the Physical, Artistic Evolution: Ravel's late works often reflect his mastery and mature exploration of form, sound, and emotion, transcending his earlier styles and influences to create something uniquely profound.

Transcendence: Awe-Inspiring Beauty, Philosophical Depth, Cultural Apotheosis

今峰由香 プロフィール



関西学院大学文学部卒業後、92年ミュンヘン国立音楽大学に入学。最優秀の成績で卒業。その後、ドイツ学術交流会(DAAD)奨学生と して、同大学院マイスタークラスで学び、96年修了。また、ローマのサンタ・チェチェリア音楽院にてさらに研鑽を積む。





今峰由香の演奏会やレコーディングはヨーロッパ各地のテレビ、ラジオ等でも放送されており、シューベルト、ラベルのピアノソロ作品のCDでは高い評価を得ているが、2016年には日本のLIVE NOTES レーベルより『今峰由香 プレイズ ベートーヴェン』をリリース。レコード芸術特選盤に選ばれる。


Born in Japan, pianist Yuka Imamine was appointed to a Professorship for piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich in 2002.

Yuka Imamine first studied Western history in her home country and moved to Germany to study piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich. She continued her studies at the Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome. She studied with professors K. Schilde, M. Schäfer, and S. Perticaroli.

Being highly successful in various international competitions, she won the first prize at the International Schubert Competition in Dortmund and at the international piano competition "Alessandro Casagrande" in Terni. She is also a prize winner at the Concours "Geza Anda" in Zurich, at the international piano competition "E.Porrini" in Cagliari and "Premio Jaen" in Spain.

As a soloist, she performs with renowned orchestras such as the Münchner Symphoniker, the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra and the Zürich Tonhalle Orchestra and gives numerous piano and chamber music recitals in Europe and Asia. Imamine has been a regular soloist at various festivals such as the "Festival dei Due Mondi" in Spoleto or the "Stresa International Festival".
She collaborated a.o. with Lorin Maazel in the field of chamber music.

Many of Yuka Imamine´s concerts and recordings have been broadcast on radio and TV by Swiss Radio, Luxembourg Radio and German Radio. Her solo CD with works by Schubert and Ravel achieved special attention and her latest CD "Yuka Imamine plays Beethoven" received highest awards in the Japanese music press.

Yuka Imamine gives masterclasses in many countries and serves on the juries of renowned national and international music competitions.