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荻原 哲(おぎはらさとし)

大阪大学名誉教授。東京都立新宿高校、国際基督教大学、大阪大学大学院理学研究科生理学専攻、アルバート・アインシュタイン医科大学(ニューヨーク)を経て大阪大学に就任。元大阪大学大学院理学研究科教授.理学博士.細胞生物学者.専門分野はアメーバ運動と細胞膜修復機構.音楽との付き合いは5歳から.知り合いのAちゃんが通っている音楽教室に一緒に行きたい一心で両親に「ボクもピアノ弾いてみたい」と嘘をついて始めたが、結局ピアノにはまってしまった.今 はAちゃんには感謝の気持ちで一杯.音楽を職業にしようかと迷いを持ったこともあるが、科学の面白さに惹き付けられて今日に至る.音楽と研究・教育を二足 のわらじとして履き続けて、つらいこと(練習時間が取れない)もあったが、よいこともたくさんあった.音楽そのものが与えてくれるものであり、ひと言では言いがたい.このコンサートシリーズは営利目的でない.コンサートを楽しくするための知恵を、履き続けたわらじが教えてくれると信じている.

https://rigakuyu.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp/person/07.html 大阪大学大学院理学研究科理学友倶楽部


-By profession Professor Emeritus Osaka University. Ph.D.Former professor of biology at the department of biology, graduate school of science, Osaka University. Cell biologist. Der. Ogihara graduated from Shinjuku Hight School in Tokyo, studied at ICU/International Christian University, Osaka University Graduate School of Science, Physiology Major, and at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, USA, then he found a job at Osaka University. His field of speciality includes amoeboid movement and the repair mechanism of the plasma membrane.  Worked at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and Osaka University.

-In music Started studying piano at the age of five, only for the reason that he just wanted to go to the piano teacher who his classmate, an attractive girl, took lessons with. He ventured to tell his parents that "I wanna take piano lessons!". It was not music but something else that triggered him, however later on he was so much absorbed in music.  On way coming, he sometime seriously wondered if he should take music as future profession, but science overwhelmingly intrigued him, to become a scientist. Music and Science are not far away in some sense, but in reality he had had tough time not being able to secure time for practice at the piano. Music and Science therefore have been always around him as almost equal important existences, by which he has learnt a lot and now he feels honestly he is a fortunate person not to have given up music. This concert series is one of his challenges, and he believes that he will be supported by his tough and happy experiences in the past loving science and music equally in making this non-profit concert series activity.

堀井俊宏(ほりい としひろ)

1953年生.大阪大学微生物病研究所教授.理学博士.専門分野は、マラリア学.大阪枚方市に生まれ、 1972年大阪大学大学理学部入学以来の『阪大暮らし』.理学部助手時代に米国ダートマス大医学部へ准教授として留学し、それまでの分子生物学研究分野か ら転身し、熱帯寄生虫病であるマラリアの研究を開始する.人類初のマラリアワクチン開発の研究は、現在高度流行地域であるアフリカ・ウガンダでの臨床試験 が着々と進んでいる.また、新型マラリアワクチンの開発を進め、ワクチン研究分野で注目を浴びており、『華麗なる転身』とでも言えようか.

中 学生の頃にフルートを始め、大学受験では進路の選択で悩む.結局音楽はアマチュアとして楽しむこととする.現在大阪大学室内楽アンサンブルOUCEの団長 でもある.愛犬黒ラブのSERAにフルートを聴かせ、また得意とする感性豊かな手料理を家族に振る舞うのが何よりのストレス解消法である.最近では筋トレ を中心とした体力作りにも励んでいて、プロ並とはいかないがスキーが得意である.

Toshihiro HORII

-By profession a Ph.D. Professor at the Department of Molecular Protozoology, Research Institute for Microbial Disease, Osaka University. He was born in 1953 in Hirakata City, Osaka, and entered Osaka University, School of Science in 1972-- thus, ever since has been living in "Handai, Osaka University". When he was an assistant professor at Osaka University, he worked as an associate professor at Dartmouth College,  USA.  This opportunity provided him the big leap from a  molecular biologist to a research specialist in malaria, the so called marsh fever, a tropical parasitic disease. Ever since that time, he has dedicated himself to the development of the first human malaria vaccine, which remains unavailable for many reasons.  He often visits Uganda in Africa where malaria is highly prevalent and continues to do clinical testing.  Lately also he ventured into the development of a new-type malaria vaccine on which other researchers have been keen on his research, considered to be another leap in his scientific progress. 

-In music, he started studying flute during his junior high school days; and in fact his highly reputed performing skills had earlier brought him in the crossroad of either choosing music or science in his choice to enter the university.  As we see today, he eventually made the difficult decision to take music as an amateur music lover.  Currently he is the manager of OUCE (otherwise known as Osaka University Chamber Ensemble) as well as a performer.  At home, his favorite hobbies include playing the flute for his beloved Sera, a black Labrador retriever, and serving meals for his family, who considers him a talented chef.  In truth, both of these activities relieves him from daily stress.  His most recent activities include also working out in the gym (for muscle weights).  Likewise, he is a semi-professional skier.