saxophone quartet ANIMA 


History, Expression and Possibility of Saxophone


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Youtube再生リスト Playlist

1月29日 15時開演 14時半開場 

January 29th, 2023 15:00, door open 14:30





第二部 <サクソフォンの持つ表現力>


第三部 <サクソフォン音楽世界の展開>



The saxophone was invented in the early 1840s by Belgian instrument maker Adolphe Sax. It is an extremely new instrument used in classical music. There are 12 types of saxophones with different registers ranging from sopranissimo to subcontrabass. The saxophone quartet is played by four of them: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone.

The program for this performance is a mixture of original saxophone works and arrangements, so that the audience can hear the transition of the saxophone from its invention to the present day.

Quartet Anima is a group of superb saxophonists with superb technique. Please look forward to their performance.

アドルフ・サックス Adolphe Sax



リヴィエ / グラーヴェとプレスト(1972年)

グラズノフ / サクソフォン四重奏曲 Op.109 より フィナーレ(1932年)


ラヴェル / 弦楽四重奏曲 第1、2楽章(1903年)

バーバー / 弦楽のためのアダージョ(1936年)

長生淳 / サクソフォン四重奏曲(2002年)



Singelée / Premier Quatuor (1857)

Rivier / Grave et Presto  (1972)

Alexander Glazunov / Finale from Saxophone Quartet Op.109  (1932)


Ravel / Saxophone Quartet 1 & 2 movements(1903)

Barber / Adagio for strings (1936)

Nagao / Quatuor (2002)

Program may be subject to change. 

サクソフォン四重奏団カルテットアニマ/福田亨、酒井希、寺田麗美、井上ハルカ (左→右)Saxophone Quartet ”Quartet ANIMA" ・Nozomi Sakai・Remi Terada・Haruka Inoue ( left to right)




相愛大学を特別奨学生として卒業。ヴェルサイユ地方音楽院を審査員特別賞を受賞し卒業。その後ブリュッセル王立音楽院修士課程サクソフォンクラスを首席で卒業。在学中、ベルギー政府奨学生制度にてアムステルダム音楽院交換留学生として派遣される。ソリストとしてリエージュ王立交響楽団、スロヴェニア放送交響楽団と協奏曲を共演した他、日本国内でオーケストラの客演も行う。第2回 チボリジュニアサクソフォンコンクール第1位。第7回ノヴァゴリッツァサクソフォン国際コンクール ファイナリスト。第1回アジアサクソフォンコンクール第2位。クワチュオール・エラン、インペトゥス・サクソフォンアンサンブルの各ソプラノサクソフォン奏者。


東京藝術大学、同大学大学院修士課程修了。在学中に同大学院ティーチング・アシスタントを務める。第4回大阪国際音楽コンクール第1位。公益社団法人日本演奏連盟/平成28年度後期増山美知子奨励ニューアーティストシリーズに選出。平成26年度より三郷町文化振興財団助成事業公演『寺田麗美おしゃべりコンサート』を毎年開催。まほろば二重奏として第2回アジアサクソフォンコングレス(上海)出演。フェニックス・エヴォリューション・シリーズ94 まほろば二重奏リサイタル~サクソフォンデュオの可能性~出演。秋篠ユング・ムジカ第9期生。2018-2020年三田市総合文化センター郷の音ホール第4期レジデンシャルアーティスト。神戸女学院大学演奏研究員。


ESA音楽学院、リヨン地方音楽院、パリ国立高等音楽院を第3課程DAI現代音楽クラスまで修了。ブーローニュ・ビヤンクール現代音楽コンクール2014にて審査員特別賞(部門最高位)、現代音楽演奏コンクール《競楽XII》にて聴衆賞を受賞。ESA音楽学院専門学校非常勤講師。関西を拠点に後進の指導やオーケストラの客演、現代音楽や非オリジナル作品を通じて新たなサクソフォンのレパートリーの開拓を行なっている。インペトゥス・サクソフォンアンサンブルのソプラノサクソフォン奏者、打楽器とサクソフォンによる現代音楽ユニットDuo Märzのメンバーとしても活動。『SONATE』(レコード芸術準特選盤)、配信アルバム『Rachmaninov』発売中。

Toru Fukuda / Soprano Saxophone

A graduate of Tokyo University of the Arts, Fukuda has been based in the Kansai region since 2015 as an alto saxophonist with the Osaka Zion Wind Orchestra (formerly the Osaka City Music Orchestra). He is a commissioned lecturer at Doshisha Women's University. He is also the music director of the brass band of the Kansai University Cheering Squad. He is well known for his versatile tone based on ensembles such as chamber music and brass band, and classical saxophone style. Winner of the Ushio Sizue Prize. Performed as the Mahoroba Duet at the 2nd Asia Saxophone Congress, and appeared on NHK-FM's "Recital Passio. He is also a member of Nagisa Saxophone Quartet, Mahoroba Duet, and Nobuya Sugawa's SAXPARTY! and also as a member of "SAXPARTY!

Nozomi Sakai / Alto Saxophone

Graduated from Souai University as a special scholarship student. She graduated from the Conservatoire de Region de Versailles with a special jury prize. She then graduated at the top of her class from the master's saxophone class at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Brussels. During his studies, he was sent as an exchange student to the Conservatory of Amsterdam under the Belgian Government Scholarship Program. As a soloist, he performed concertos with the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Liège and the Slovenian Radio Symphony Orchestra, and also made guest appearances with orchestras in Japan. First prize at the 2nd Tivoli Junior Saxophone Competition. Finalist at the 7th International Novagorica Saxophone Competition. Second prize at the 1st Asia Saxophone Competition. Soprano saxophonist of Quatuor Elan and Impetus Saxophone Ensemble.

Reimi Terada / tenor saxophone

Reimi Terada received her M.A. from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and her M.A. from the same university. While a student, she served as a teaching assistant at the same graduate school. She won the first prize at the 4th Osaka International Music Competition. She was selected for the Japan Federation of Musicians' Association / Michiko Masuyama Encouragement New Artist Series for the second half of the fiscal year 2008. Since 2014, she has been presenting the annual "Reimi Terada Talking Concert," a performance subsidized by the Misato Town Cultural Promotion Foundation. Performed as Mahoroba Duet at the 2nd Asia Saxophone Congress in Shanghai. Performed in the Phoenix Evolution Series 94 Mahoroba Duet Recital - Possibilities of Saxophone Duo. Ninth term student of Akishino Jung Musica. 2018-2020 Residential Artist for the 4th term of Sanda City Sogo Bunka Center Gonoto Hall. She is a performance researcher at Kobe College.

Haruka Inoue / Baritone Saxophone

Haruka Inoue graduated from ESA Music Academy, Conservatoire de Lyon, and Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris up to the third course DAI Contemporary Music Class. She is a part-time lecturer at ESA Music Academy. Based in the Kansai region, she teaches younger students, makes guest appearances with orchestras, and is exploring new saxophone repertoire through contemporary music and non-original works. She is also a soprano saxophonist in the Impetus Saxophone Ensemble and a member of Duo März, a contemporary music unit with percussion and saxophone. She is currently releasing "SONATE" (Record Geijutsu semi-selected album) and the distributed album "Rachmaninov".

井上ハルカ・サクソフォンリサイタル2017年ワンコイン市民コンサートより Youtube再生リスト