
120% Mozart 2023 Summer!


岩井美子ピアノ 堀江恵太ヴァイオリン 大阪大学交響楽団

Yoshiko Iwai/Piano Keita Horie/Violin Osaka University Symphonic Orchestra

8月20日(日)15時開演 14時半開場 Sunday 20th August, 15:00 doors open 14:30

当日収録の演奏動画を公開しました。再生リスト。We have published the whole performances. Playlist 

共催:大阪大学交響楽団 Co-organized with Osaka University Symphony Orchestra


W. A. モーツァルト

ピアノ協奏曲第20番 ニ短調 K. 466 


ピアノ四重奏曲第2番 変ホ長調 K.493



Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466 

composed in 1785

Piano Quartet No. 2 in E-flat major, K. 493

composed in 1786

岩井美子 ピアノ Yoshiko Iwai, piano



Born in Nagoya, she spent her childhood in Aichi and Hyogo prefectures. Studied under Seiko Naito, Chiyoko Kondo, Hideo Sugiura, and Reiko Uchida. She won the first prize in the junior high school piano division of the All Japan Music Competition in western Japan. Studied at Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music High School and Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and won the second prize in the piano division of the 52nd Japan Music Competition. 

Studied under Hitoshi Kobayashi and Akiko Iguchi. After graduating from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music at the top of his class, she studied under Friedrich Wilhelm Schnurr at Hochschule für Musik Detmold, Germany. 

She won the second prize at the 3rd European Chopin Competition and the first prize at the Mendelssohn Competition in Berlin. Winner of the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition. Passed the German State Performers Examination with the highest score. Second prize at the Geza Anda International Piano Competition. Studied at the master course of Mr. Gyorgy Sebok. 

She has performed with orchestras and recitals throughout Europe and Japan, and has collaborated with many well-known musicians in both solo and chamber music, served on competition juries, appeared on numerous television and radio programs, and recorded CDs, all of which have been highly acclaimed. She currently resides in Zurich, Switzerland. She is currently teaching at the Zurich University of the Arts.

堀江恵太 ヴァイオリン Keita Horie Violin

大阪府吹田市出身。「佐渡裕とスーパーキッズオーケストラ」に7 年間所属。北野高等学校 123 期卒。京都市立芸術大学を首席で卒業し、京都市長賞などを受賞。ウィーン国立音楽大学修士課程を最優秀で修了。第6回横浜国際音楽コンクール部門第1位、第 19 回高槻音楽コンクール第1位など受賞。2013,14年度(公財)青山財団奨学生。2020,22年度「アーツサポート関西」助成者。ジョージア国立トビリシ音楽大学オーケストラ(指揮/ギオルギ・バブアゼ)、日本センチュリー交響楽団と共演。これまでにヴァイオリンを北淳子、松田淳一、ギオルギ・バブアゼ、レオニード・ソロコフ、ライナー・キュッヒルの各氏に、室内楽をアヴェディス・クユムジャン、ヨハネス・マイッスルの各氏に師事。ブランデンブルグ交響楽団(独)で研鑽を積み、ウィーン・プロアルテ管弦楽団、シンフォニア・アルシスOSAKAなどで度々コンサートマスターを務める。関西フィルハーモニー管弦楽団のアソシエイト・コンサートマスターとして活躍する傍ら、兄妹とのピアノ三重奏「堀江トリオ」や主宰を務める弦楽合奏「スーパークラシックアンサンブル」など、室内楽にも情熱を燃やしている。

Born in Suita City, Osaka. He was a member of "Yutaka Sado and the Super Kids Orchestra" for seven years. Graduated from Kitano High School in the 123rd year. Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts at the top of his class and received the Mayor's Prize of Kyoto. He received his master's degree from the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with highest honors. 

He was a first prize winner of the 6th Yokohama International Music Competition, a first prize winner of the 19th Takatsuki Music Competition, a 2013-14 Aoyama Foundation Scholarship recipient, and a 2020-2010 Arts Support Kansai grantee. 

He has performed with the Orchestra of the Tbilisi State Conservatory of Music of Georgia (conducted by Giorgi Babuadze) and the Century Orchestra of Japan. 

He has studied violin with Junko Kita, Junichi Matsuda, Giorgi Babuadze, Leonid Sorokov, and Rainer Küchl, and chamber music with Avedis Kuyumjan and Johannes Meissl. He studied with the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra (Germany) and has been a frequent concertmaster of the Vienna Pro Arte Orchestra and Sinfonia Arsis OSAKA. While working as an associate concertmaster of the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra, he is also passionate about chamber music, including the Horie Trio, a piano trio with his brother and sister, and the Super Classical Ensemble, a string ensemble he presides over.

大阪大学交響楽団・団員 Selected Members of the Osaka University Symphonic Orchestra 

*ピアノ四重奏曲にも登場します。 will appear in the Piano Quartet as well. 

川瀬健太郎(かわせけんたろう)ヴァイオリンViolin 文学部4年 Kentaro Kawase, Sr.  School of Letters

高嶋倫佳(たかしまともか)ヴァイオリンViolin 基礎工学部1年 Tomoka Takashima, Fr. School of Engineering Science

兼子優菜(かねこゆうな)ヴァイオリンViolin 工学部3年 Yuna Kaneko, Jr.  School of Engineering 

吳宜玟(ごぎぶん、WU I WEN)ヴァイオリンViolin 文学部1年 Iwen Wu, Fr. School of Letters

竹中幸音(たけなかさちね)ヴァイオリンViolin 外国語学部2年 Sachine Takenaka, So. School of Foreign Studies

下野優太(したのゆうた)ヴィオラViola 経済学部2年 Yuta Shitano, So. School of Economics

山川蒼生(やまかわそうせい)ヴィオラViola 理学部1年 Sousei Yamakawa, Fr. School of Science

武田萌花(たけだもえか)チェロCello 外国語学部3年 Moeka Takeda, Jr. School of Foreing Studies

松永璃子(まつながりこ)チェロCello 基礎工学部3年 Riko Matsunaga, Jr. School of Engineering Science

永山依央理(ながやまいおり)チェロCello 文学部1年 Iori Nagayama, Fr.  School of Letters

桶谷美咲(おけたにみさき)ファゴットBassoon 工学部3年 Misaki Oketani, Jr. School of Engineering

藤井花鈴(ふじいかりん)ホルンHorn 文学部3年 Karin Fujii, Jr. School of Letters

灘野正太郎(なだのしょうたろう)コントラバスContrabass 外国語学部2年 Shoutaro Nadano, So. School of Foreign Studies

岩橋燦司(いわはしさんじ)ファゴットBassoon 外国語学部2年 Sanji Iwasaki, So. School of Foreign Studies

垣本健佑(かきもとけんすけ)トランペットTrumpet 理学部3年 Kensuke Kakimoto, Jr. School of Science

中野あるの(なかのあるの)フルートFlute 医学部2年 Aruno Nakano, So. School of Medicine

山﨑結季葉(やまさきゆきは)ホルンHorn 人間科学部4年 Yukiha Yamasaki, Sr. School of Human Sciences

今井奈津(いまいなつ)ティンパニTimpani 文学部4年 Natsu Imai, Sr. School of Letters

職業演奏家の理解ある協力 A kind assistance of the professionals

中根庸介 オーボエ Yosuke Nakane Oboe




Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts after attending the Music High School attached to the Faculty of Music of Tokyo University of the Arts. He completed the master's course at the same university. He went Germany as an overseas trainee of the Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2005. Graduated from Lübeck College of Music after studying at Trossingen University of Music. Obtained a diploma.

He woorked as a lecturer and an oboist at the Philharmonia of the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, and currently is an associate professor at Shiga University. He is a part-time lecturer at Osaka Kyoiku University's Department of Educational Cooperative Studies and Souai University's Graduate School of Music. Director of the Japan Oboe Society. Representative Director of Omi Sinfonietta.

He has studied oboe under Hiroyuki Iguchi, Yoshiaki Obata, Yu Kobayashi, Akira Takai, Johannes Brüggemann, Diethelm Jonas, and Otto Winter, and chamber music under Koji Okazaki, Yumiko Sakuma, Seiki Shinohe, and Tim Frederiksen.

川人大地  オーボエ Daichi Kawahito Oboe


チョン・ミョンフン指揮アジアフィルハーモニーの韓国ツアー、トリトン晴れた海のオーケストラのベートーベンチクルスに参加。最近では葉加瀬太郎氏のツアーにスポット参加し「WITH ONE WISH」を氏とデュエット演奏した。



Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Instrumental Music. Studied at the Richard Strauss Conservatory in Munich. Performed Mozart's oboe concerto with the New Japan Philharmonic, as well as works by Bach, Albinoni, Burns, and many other groups.

He participated in the Korean tour of the Asia Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Myung-Whun Chung and the Beethoven Cycle of the Triton Sunny Sea Orchestra. Recently, he participated in a spot on Taro Hakase's tour, performing a duet of "WITH ONE WISH" with him.

He has studied oboe under Hidenori Yamane, the late Seizo Maruyama, Yuji Saito, the late Yoko Kojima, and Mario Kaminski.

He won the second prize in the woodwind section of the 2nd Tokyo Music Competition and the second prize in the wind section of the 4th Osaka International Music Competition. Currently, he is an oboe player of the Century Orchestra of Japan. He is a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Music, Tokushima Bunri University.


The Osaka University Symphony Orchestra is a student orchestra organization based at Osaka University, nicknamed Handai Oke/orchestra. With approximately 170 Osaka University students and graduate students, it is the largest extracurricular activity group in the university. Celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, the orchestra's main activities include biannual subscription concerts and performances at official university events such as entrance and graduation ceremonies.