Trio Triptych North America Tour
トリオ・トリプティック北米ツアー Oct 2024
10月6日日曜日 夜 ケンタッキー大学 コンサート University of Kentucky, School of Music,
10月7日 午前 ケンタッキー大学での個人授業
10月8日火曜日午前11時 インディアナ州立大学 室内楽クラス Indiana State University,School of Music, Chamber Music Materclass
10月9日水曜日 夜 インディアナ州立大学 コンサート Indiana State University,School of Music, Trio Concert
10月11日 午前10時-11時30分 インディアナ大学でのピアノ・トリオ指導
10月11日金曜日 午後7時 ヴィンセネス教会コンサートシリーズ Vincennes First United Methodist Church Recital Series, Trio Concert
Trio Triptych Travel Schedule
October 6-7, Airbnb Address in Kentucky:
351 Park Ave, Lexington, KY 40502, USA
October 6th, 7:30pm
Trio Concert at Singletary Recital Hall, University of Kentucky
465 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0022
Event Link:
October 7th, Morning
Private Teaching at the University of Kentucky
October 8th, 11-11:50am
Masterclass at Indiana State University
October 8th, Afternoon:
Dress Rehearsal
October 9th, 7:30pm
Trio Concert at Boyce Recital Hall, Indiana State University
200 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, Indiana, USA
Livestream Link:
Event Link:
October 11th, 10-11:30am
Piano Trio Coaching at IU
October 11th, 7pm
Trio Concert at the Vincennes First United Methodist Church Concert Series
411 N 4th St, Vincennes, IN 47591
October 12th, 7pm
Trio Concert at BeanBlossom Concert Series
St. David’s Episcopal Church
11 IN-45, Morgantown, IN 46160
贄川 二葉 Futaba Niekawa Piano
Graduated from Toho Girls' High School, Music Department. Studied under Kumiko Miyazaki, Keiko Takeuchi, Takako Tsumura, and Sumiko Mikimoto. She graduated from the Eastman School of Music in the United States with a full scholarship. She went on to receive a master's degree from the New England Conservatory of Music and a doctorate from the Eastman School of Music. She has performed solo, chamber music, contemporary music, and improvisation, and has been a pianist for many music festivals and summer courses, including the Banff Summer Master Class, Meadowmont School of Music, New England Conservatory of Music, and the Perlman* Music Program. She has released five CDs. She currently teaches chamber music and accompaniment at Indiana University and the Jacobs School of Music.
佐藤一紀 Kazunori Sato Violin
京都市立芸術大学音楽学部卒業、同大学院音楽研究科修了。パリにて現代音楽を中心に研鑽を積む。兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団(HPAC)第1期コアメンバー、長岡京室内アンサンブルメンバー、いずみシンフォニエッタ大阪、各メンバーとして活動。パリ、フガートアソシエーション弦楽講習会、ニューヨークヴァイオリン サミット教授として、また国内外の主要オーケストラのコンサートマスターとしても招聘されている。
現在、相愛大学音楽学部、及び大学院非常勤講師を務める。KOTO Quartet、TAKE★SAT'eliccOも結成、活動の場を広げている。
Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Music, and completed the Graduate School of Music at the same university. Studied contemporary music in Paris. He is a member of Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra (HPAC), Nagaokakyo Chamber Ensemble, Izumi Sinfonietta Osaka, and others. He has been invited to teach at the Fugato Association String Courses in Paris, the New York Violin Summit, and as concertmaster of major orchestras in Japan and abroad.
He is currently a part-time lecturer at Soai University's School of Music and Graduate School, and has also formed KOTO Quartet and TAKE★SAT'eliccO, expanding his activities.
吉田円香 Madoka Yoshida Cello
2018年に活動拠点を日本に移し、兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団(PAC)にてレジデントプレイヤーを3年間務める。2019年に帰国記念リサイタルを開催。2021年には文化庁/(公社)日本演奏連盟主催のリサイタル・シリーズにて、無伴奏チェロリサイタルを開催。2023年NHK FM「リサイタル・パッシオ」に出演。現在は室内楽コンサートやオーケストラの客演など、関西を中心にフリーランス奏者として演奏活動を行っている。
これまで、熊本祐美子、河野文昭、上村昇、雨田一孝、織田啓嗣、Johannes Moser, Christian Brunnertの各氏に師事。兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団及び一般社団法人アマービレフィルハーモニー管弦楽団アソシエイトプレイヤー。オフィシャルサイト
Born in Osaka City. Graduated from Osaka Prefectural Toyonaka High School. Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Music. Selected to perform at the 40th graduation concert. Upon graduation, she gave her first recital in Osaka and Tokyo. She then went to Germany to study under Johannes Moser at the Cologne University of Music and Performing Arts, where she completed her studies with the highest honors. He then worked as an academy student and contracted member of the Kassel State Theatre.
In 2021, she gave an unaccompanied cello recital in the recital series sponsored by the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Japan Federation of Musicians. In 2023, she appeared on NHK FM's "Recital Passio". Currently he performs as a freelance player mainly in the Kansai area, including chamber music concerts and guest appearances with orchestras.
She won the first prize at the 15th Kumagusu no Sato Music Contest and the Kii Minpo President's Prize. She won the Encouragement Prize in the string section of the 15th Kobe International Music Competition. She won the second prize at the Chamber Music Competition of the Cologne University of Music. She has performed Dvorak's Cello Concerto at the regular concerts of the Waitane Symphony Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra Hibiki, Elgar's Cello Concerto at the concert of Orchestra Ensemble Forza, and Haydn's Cello Concerto No. 2 at the concert of Diverse Ensemble.
She has studied with Yumiko Kumamoto, Fumiaki Kono, Noboru Kamimura, Kazutaka Ameda, Keiji Oda, Johannes Moser, and Christian Brunnert. She is an associate player of the Hyogo Performing Arts Center Orchestra and the Amabile Philharmonic Orchestra. Official website
Trio Triptych Concert December 2022 at Osaka, An OCCA production トリオ・トリプティック・コンサート 2022年12月大阪公演 OCCAプロデュース
Memories all shared by the three artitst. Remember them!