Google Slides

What is Google Slides?

Google Slides is an app in the Google Suite that lets you create presentations and slideshows.

You can find it in your waffle or you can create a Slides presentation through Google Drive by clicking "new". You can also get to Slides by copy and pasting the URL into your search bar.

Introduction to Google Slides

The Complete Overview (All Levels)

This guide for using Google Slides is excellent for all users, from the complete novice to an advanced user and check the "more info" section for a time stamped guide to learn about a specific skill.

TIP: Just need to review one thing and don't want to watch an 18 minute long video? Open this video in YouTube and look under "more info" to see a time stamped break down of when each element is discussed!

Time: 17:59

Advanced Users

Adding Other Templates

You can add additional templates to your Google Slides by downloading a free template from Slidesmania or Slides Carnival


Take your Slides presentation by making your slides interactive and responsive using PearDeck!

Editing All the Slides in Master Slide

Learn how to edit all the slides in your presentation at once by editing the Master Slide.