NESA Rules and Procedures

NESA Rules and Procedures

The following information comes from the NESA Assessment Certification and Examination Manual.

8.4 Satisfactory Completion of a Course

8.4.1  Course completion criteria

The following course completion criteria refers to Stage 5 courses.

A student will be considered to have satisfactorily completed a course if, in the Principal’s view, there is sufficient evidence that the student has:

a) followed the course developed or endorsed by the Board; and 

b) applied themselves with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school; and 

c) achieved some or all of the course outcomes.

8.4.4  ‘N’ determinations

The Board has delegated to Principals the authority to determine if students seeking to complete Stage 5 at their school have satisfactorily completed each Board Developed and/or Board Endorsed Course in which they are enrolled in accordance with the requirements issued by the Board.  Principals, therefore, will determine if there is sufficient evidence that each student has applied himself or herself with diligence and sustained effort to the set tasks and experiences provided in the course by the school. 

St Philomena’s has determined that students need to attend school a minimum of 90% of scheduled school days to achieve the outcomes of each course.  While NESA does not stipulate attendance requirements, Principals may determine that, as a result of absence, the course completion criteria may not be met.  

Clearly, absences will be regarded seriously by Principals who must give students early warning of the consequences of such absences.  Warning letters must relate the student’s absence to the non-completion of course requirements.  Warnings

If at any time it appears that a student is at risk of being given an ‘N’ (Non- completion of course requirements) determination in any course, the Principal must warn the student as soon as possible and advise the parent or guardian (if the student is under 18 years of age) in writing.  This warning should be given in time for the problem to be corrected and should provide advice about the possible consequences of an ‘N’ determination in a course.  Students who have not complied with the requirements for satisfactory completion of a course at the time of finalising assessments, cannot be regarded as having satisfactorily completed the course.  The Principal will then issue an ‘N’ determination and advise the Board.

Student Responsibilities 

Students are expected to make a genuine attempt at all Class work and Assessment tasks, in order to : 

Non-completion of a course

Should a student not satisfactorily complete a course, then an “N” determination will be submitted by the school to NESA

Courses which were not satisfactorily completed, will not be printed on the student’s Record of Achievement.