Minimum Standards


The requirements to meet the HSC minimum standard have been simplified from this year. Students need to pass an online Reading, Writing and Numeracy test of everyday Reading, Writing and Mathematics skills to show they meet the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy required to receive the HSC. The minimum standard online tests are based on the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) with students' results reported as a level of achievement from 1-4.

The test achievement level descriptions describe the skills needed for each of the four levels. Level 3 skills indicate a nationally agreed level of functional literacy and numeracy.

Minimum Standard Reading and Mathematics Tests:

Minimum Standard Writing Test

To get help on understanding these tests, go to:

Students are required to achieve at least Level 3 in each of the three online tests to meet the HSC minimum standard.

There is no set date to complete the tests. Tests will be available every school day from 18 February – 13th December. Students will be given two dates to complete the tests throughout the year. They can only sit it twice in one year but can do it in Year 10, 11 or 12 and even after the HSC.