Bunions and Orthotics

Bunion Pain Relief > 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Custom foot orthotics can align the foot into a neutral position allowing the excess weight and pressure to be equalized.

This keeps excess forces delivered to the big toe.


  • Doctors call that bump hallux valgus, but you might know it as a bunion.

  • Bunions form when the bone or tissue at the great toe joint at the bottom of the big toe moves out of place.

  • Over time bone builds up on the outside of the joint which can cause pain and many times degenerative osteoarthritis as well.

  • Years of abnormal motion (pronation) and fashion footwear can accelerate pressure on the great toe joint forces the big toe to bend toward the others, which causes an often-painful lump on the joint.

Bunion Pain

  • Bunions are painful. The pain is extended daily because you need to walk.

  • Morning pain is noticeably more. Tight fitting fashion shoes can accelerate the deviation of the joint thereby accelerating the severity of the deformity.

  • Custom Orthotics support and align the rearfoot and midfoot joints of the foot and help the joint work better.

  • Many times there is hypermobility of the first ray (1st metatarsal behind the big toe joint).

  • Custom Orthotics greatly stabilize this hypermobility and reduces the severity of the deformity.

  • Custom foot orthotics can align the foot into a neutral position allowing the excess weight and pressure to be equalized.

  • This keeps excess forces delivered to the big toe at a minimum.

Tailor's Bunion

Tailor Bone

  • This is a deformity next tot he little toe of the foot.

  • Many times it is associated with fashion footwear which helps to move the little toe (5th toe) against the 4th toe exposing the 5th metatarsal phalangeal joint, The friction of footwear further deviates the joint and it results into a Tailors bunion.

  • Getting into non fashion shoes with a wider toe box helps

  • the most important solution is to use Custom Orthotics which mechanically stabilize load bearing of the bell of the foot.

Valgus Hallux

  • This is also known as Hallux Valgus which is a bunion of the great toe joint.

  • This condition is a result of a condition affecting the ball of the foot leading to instability of the major propulsive part of the foot (1st Ray great toe complex).

  • Custom Orthotics are the preferred treatment of choice because they stabilize load bearing of the foot and enable the foot to better absorb and propel weigh as we walk.

Bunion Surgery

  • Bunion surgery can be very disabling depending on how severe the bunion is. Many times the first metatarsal needs to have a bone cut surgically to realign the great toe. This can take a few months to heal from.

  • Custom Orthotics are always used in treating this condition by doctors because the orthotics help to stabilize load bearing of this major foot joint complex.

  • Get Custom Orthotics first and the use of bunion splints can be very helpful in reducing the deformity before surgery is needed.

