LGBTQIA+ Support

Ottoson Middle School QSA 

The Queer (Questioning) Straight Alliance (QSA) (formerly Gay Straight Alliance/GSA) meets after-school and is facilitated by Mx. Dupont and Ms. Miller. The QSA is a place where kids of all sexualities and gender identities can go to discuss issues having to do with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender life and Human Rights, including coming out, bullying, how to support a friend who comes out to you, how to seek help when you or a friend needs it, and much more. 

The QSA club meets each week. For more information click here.

If you would like to communicate with Ottoson staff which name and pronouns you would like us to use please fill out the Identity Support Plan. Your school counselor will be notified of your submission.