
7th Grade- Global Studies: 

7th graders move into a larger study of the world’s regions focusing on the history, geography, economy, and governments of Europe, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.  Throughout their examination of these regions, students will explore the themes of migration, standard of living, the environment, human rights, conflict, health, and energy resources in order to make connections between the regions.  The course is focused around the essential question: “How does our understanding of the world today impact the choices we make moving into the future?” ​

8th Grade- Civics:

This course of study begins with the roots and foundation of United States democracy and follows the development of the nation centered on the roles of individuals in maintaining a healthy democracy. Units of study include; influences and foundations of democracy, state and local government, federal government, racial equality, women’s equality, immigration, selected topics on equality for minority and oppressed peoples, and civics in action. The goal of this course is to provide students with a strong foundation of US government and history through the development of 21st century skills like critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving. In doing so, students in establishing their own voices to be successful in future learning as well as future citizens.