APS History & Social Studies Department


In Arlington Public Schools, students engage in the study of history and social studies through student-centered inquiry and project-based learning that emphasizes historical thinking skills such as analysis, sourcing, synthesizing, contextualization, and corroboration.  Students will also consider history from diverse perspectives and engage in a critical analysis of the past that makes connections to today’s society and the choices that individuals/groups/nations make today. As part of their study of history, students will develop their research, media literacy, reading, and writing skills as well as cultivate their ability to engage in civil discourse, leading students to be prepared to become active members of our democratic, diverse society.  


The vision of the Arlington Public Schools History and Social Studies Department is to graduate students who:


The mission of the Arlington Public Schools History and Social Studies Department is to:


Please contact the K-12 Director of History and Social Studies, Michael Kozuch (he/him) mkozuch@arlington.k12.ma.us for more information or if you have questions about the department.

Education: B.S. in Business Administration from Northeastern University, M.Ed. from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Hometown: Mt. Laurel, N.J. 

Interests: Social justice, environment, music, travel, sports.

The History & Social Studies Department Supports Community-Based Learning! 

We recommend and support the following experiences for APS students.