Entry Requirements

You should be a graduate, with a degree of a 2:2 or above in the subject you wish to teach. Third class degrees will be considered but are dependent on a number of factors and are considered on a case by case basis. If your degree is not in the subject you wish to teach, at least 50% of the degree subject content should be related to the subject that you wish to teach. In cases like this, you will be recommended for an SKE Course.

You must also possess a standard equivalent to a grade C or 4 in the GCSE examinations in English Language and Mathematics (and Science if applying for primary teacher training).

If you have overseas qualifications, we recommend you get in touch with Warwick University who will check this qualification with NARIC - please email the NARIC team on cte.admissions@warwick.ac.uk

You will be required to pass a numeracy and literacy test which is carried out during your interview/assessment.

We cannot sponsor overseas students as we do not hold the license required to offer sponsorship.