Editor's Note

Monica: I have no idea how to start this because starting it means the end of an era. The end of 4 years of the work and effort and fun that we’ve both had with Quiddity

Becky: September 2016 feels so long ago after all this time on the staff. We’ve had to say our fair share of goodbyes before, to past editors and staff members, but this is the hardest goodbye we’ve had to make. 

Monica: Hold up, one second, Becky, I think we should start at the very beginning of this story, don’t you? Becky and I met the summer of 2016. 

Becky: Bonding over our chosen first-year seminar. 

Monica: Aw, the days of Frankie and the hero’s journey. And then, I got an email. From the one person, we never had to say goodbye to until now. He was always a part of Quiddity and hopefully, he always will be. 

Becky: Daniel Pieczkolon, the greatest faculty advisor this magazine could have ever hoped to get. I know when I got that email and applied to be a Reader, I was super nervous about participating.

Monica: Oh god, I was terrified. 

Becky: But he really put us at ease and encouraged us to be a part of the conversations. Really getting us involved with the magazine in a meaningful way. 

Monica: Always making sure every voice was heard and making everyone feel like it mattered. Our words, our opinions, and our presence were important and appreciated.  

Becky: Now it’s four years later, and we’ve been Editors-in-Chief for the past two. It’s been a great honor to be on the staff of Quiddity, and to get to read such amazing work by all of the writers at Arcadia. 

Monica: A true honor and one I’m happy to be passing on to the new staff. Before we both start crying let’s get into this issue of Quiddity

Becky: We have a great collection of work in this issue. Pieces that span from sloths to duck-rooms to chameleons symbolically representing women’s rights.

Monica: The making and entrapment of America to plastic bag volcano construction. I think this ninth issue of Quiddity is one of the most diverse we’ve seen in our time as Editors-in-Chief.

Becky: In our time on the staff in general I think. We even have our first drama piece (not to toot my own horn…). Hopefully, when I look back at this website next year, we’ll see some more drama there.  

Monica: You know what I’m going to miss the most about Quiddity, Becky? 

Becky: What’s that?

Monica: As much as I love seeing all the new submissions: the drama, the blackout poems, the cool contests we run...it’s going to be those monthly updates from Daniel pressing for more student work and more diversity. Driving the students of our campus to push themselves harder while making us laugh and smile during the most stressful times of the semester. 

Becky: Those newsletters were some Grade A comedy. 

Monica: I give them all 5 stars. Every Single ONE!

Becky: Careful, some members of the staff aren’t into strange capitalizations ;)

Monica: But let’s not name any names...KaTe

Becky: Kidding, kidding. Even though I love the newsletters, I think that’s what I’m going to miss the most about Quiddity. Getting to work with such an amazing staff of editors who really know what makes a good story or poem and the harder task of knowing what makes a good issue. They really did some great work on Issue Nine. Thank you guys for all of your hard work!

Monica: And this really isn’t a goodbye to Quiddity because I know I’ll be reading all the issues to come. This is only a goodbye to the wonderfully talented staff and writers on our campus. Thank you all for sharing yourselves with us. 

Becky: This issue, or this magazine, wouldn’t be where it is today without your constant support. You’re the backbone of all the great work that we do.

Monica: We literally couldn’t do our jobs without you.

Becky: I think we’ve probably said enough for now. I don’t think they want to read a novel-length note full of our reminiscing and blubbering…

Monica: I agree, please continue onto the issue and see exactly what we’ve been going on and on about for yourself. 

Becky: Monica and I proudly present to you Issue Nine of Quiddity! Enjoy!

by Monica DiTomassi and Rebecca Hane