Your Fetish

By Frank Ur

After you finish, I 

get up from the carpet with

rug burned knees. I wipe 

the corners of my mouth and 

that's when you inform me

I give it better than your 

girlfriend of five years. 

Does she know you stick

her dick into other


After you pick me up,

park in a discreet lot, you 

tell me to get in the backseat. 

Which, I now realize is partially

occupied by a black and pink carseat. 

How do I stop, say no? You have the 


Does your daughter know you grasp

her carseat when you 


After pulling off, you get down 

on your knees and finish. All in a 

bathroom stall. I finish and you 

don’t miss a beat. You lick 

your lips and tell me that your 

girlfriend refuses to peg


Does she know you swallow,

whereas she


How many times do I 

have to pull out, pull off,

swallow, and zip up to realize 

who I am? How many secretly 

taken men do I have to be with? 

Too many to become an afterthought.

About the Author

Frank Ur is a current senior at Arcadia University and will be graduating with a B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. He is currently finishing up his culminating manuscript, Fixing the Fractured, which focuses on topics relating to the gay male experience from coming out to societal expectations placed on gay men. He aspires to become a published writer in poetry and fiction, focusing on ideas surrounding homosexuality. In his jokingly small amount of spare time Frank finds solace in the outdoors as well as making connections with the people around him.