
Rachel Gonzalez is a 21-year-old burrito enthusiast and plant mom who spends way too much time attached to her laptop. Lately she has been attempting to capture "weird little moments" in her writing, which led to the writing of this piece. 

Brendan McCourt is a Philadelphia native and student of both English and Philosophy at Arcadia University, where he is the 2018 recipient of the Excellence in Creative Writing Award. A writer of short forms, Brendan is editor-in-chief of Quiddity, as well as a reader and frequent contributor for Cleaver

Marilyn Sieger is a writer from Arcadia University. 

Helen Armstrong is a senior Print Communications major with a Creative Writing minor. At Arcadia, she served for several semesters as Editor in Chief of Loco Mag. Her work has appeared in Quiddity, Catfish Creek, and Cleaver Magazine. After graduation, she plans to move to Colorado to live on top of a mountain and pen an epic 500K word novel about insects. For further inquiries, please contact her manager and dog, Spirit the Samoyed.

There is nothing special to say about this DVO. He is just another actor on the stage. Although, if you happen to see him eating alone and staring into the non-existent horizon do stop by and give a friendly hello. 

Katie Jobson is a senior Psychology major at Arcadia University. While psychology is her main pursuit, she enjoys writing poetry on the side, as well as fiction short stories.

Emmalee Gagnon is a twenty-year-old author who is currently an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing at Arcadia University and works as an editor for the academic journal, The Compass. She has won multiple poetry and short story contests, has three poems published in the anthology POETRY, and one in Pennsylvania’s Best Emerging Poets.

Becca Choi majors in English and Graphic Design at Arcadia University. She writes poetry, flash fiction, and theory papers that emphasize a loss of faith in humanity, and recently, in language itself as a medium for accurate expression. Her work has been featured in the Pennsylvania Anthology for Emerging Poets, Quiddity, the Playwickian, and Howler

Chris Peterson is a sophomore studying Sports Management at Arcadia University. In his spare time, he enjoys taking photos, eating ice cream and hanging out with friends.  He is responsible for Layered Colors and 50 Shades Tinted, which, respectively, accompany the Editor's Note and Two Haikus from Becca Choi, and Crown Shyness, which is Issue #5's cover image.

Chelsey Webber-Brandis is a visual and performing artist from Southern California. Her work is inspired by the themes of violence, trauma, memory, healing, and hope. Through symbolic representation imbued with meaning or abstract fluid works, she seeks to elicit a sense of vulnerability in the viewer. This work is meant to inspire thought-provoking questions about the microcosm of a queer, feminine existence in the macrocosm of a heterosexual, masculine world. You can find her work on Instagram @Chelsey.Brandis.  She is responsible for Perpetua, Sleepy Girl, Limelight, Ascension, and Absentia, which, respectively, accompany "Watch the Birds," "Fist Fights with the Sunrise," this very Contributor's Page, "Lithium," and "Keep Your Chin Up."   

Hunter Allan is a salty, surly, sailor who drew pictures in class everyday, but what do you know, it all paid off. When Quiddity needed more art submissions, he luckily had pictures to spare. Guess being lazy can be helpful after all, who 'woulda thunk it.  Hunter is responsible for Rosaline, Viking Bro, and World Walker, which, respectively, accompany "Optimistic Nihilism," Two Poems from Helen Armstrong, and "Do You Believe?"

Magazine Staff (Spring 2018)

Brendan McCourt, Editor-in-Chief

William Kyle Whitlock, Editor

Ruth Mitzel, Editor

Kerrianna Wallace, Editor

Leslie Austin, Reader

Monica DiTomassi, Reader

Rebecca Hane, Reader

Omar Odom, Reader

Hunter Allan, Reader

Jess Anders, Reader

Becca Choi, Reader

Damiana Del Bagno, Reader

Olivia Dontonville, Reader

Cece Harrs, Reader

Kapri Koflanovich, Reader

Emily Miller, Reader

Aimee Pollock, Reader

Spencer Potts, Reader

Hannah Redmond, Reader

Marilyn Sieger, Reader