
By Omar Odom

You're a small but hefty creature.

I can barely hold you with a gloved hand.

When alone, you sniff about the ground,

Yet when held, your nose pokes your soft chest.

You're such a cautious thing.

So quick to roll up and stiffen your spines,

You view anything that shakes your world as a threat.

What a narrow view that must be.

You assume the worst

Well before it could even happen,

Prepared to defend yourself

By hurting anyone who gets close.

It's fine to be careful--

Aim to survive.

About the Author

Omar Odom is a creative writing major at Arcadia University and is thrilled to work as a Reader for the Quiddity magazine. He aims to write a groundbreaking action graphic novel series with every intention of it getting an animated adaptation. Until then, and likely after, he will learn the tricks of the trade and help others get their creative works published. He is a proud geek who lives for interesting stories, regardless of their format.