
Jess Derr is a sophomore English major from Willow Grove, PA. She's a Because Arcadia blogger, consultant at the Writing Center, freelance photographer, and member of the women's lacrosse team. Beyond writing and photography, her passions include dogs, sweatpants, and period dramas.  In addition to being the author of "He Kindly Stopped for Me," Jess is responsible for the photographs accompanying The Contributors Page, "He Kindly Stopped for Me," "Back Home Now," and "Blink."

Rebecca Hane is currently a sophomore pursuing an English degree with a concentration in Creative Writing. She typically writes fantasy and science fiction, but you'll occasionally find her dabbling in other genres. In her free time when she's not in class or writing she likes to read, play her violin, and watch her favorite TV shows.

Emmalee Gagnon is a nineteen-year-old author who is currently an English major with a concentration in Creative Writing at Arcadia University. She has completed three novels, one of which has been completely edited with her writing mentor and freelance editor, Patty Zion. Emmalee was the youngest person to ever be selected to attend the New York Pitch Conference, and had the opportunity while there to have her work critiqued by editors and agents. She has won multiple poetry and short story contests, has three poems published in the anthology POETRY, and one in Pennsylvania’s Best Emerging Poets.

Omar Odom is a creative writing major at Arcadia University and is thrilled to work as a Reader for the Quiddity magazine. He aims to write a groundbreaking action graphic novel series with every intention of it getting an animated adaptation. Until then, and likely after, he will learn the tricks of the trade and help others get their creative works published. He is a proud geek of anime, comics, paranormal stuff, and video games who lives for interesting stories, regardless of their format.

Kate Knab is a sophomore English major with a concentration in Creative Writing. She enjoys reading books with real pages and has big plans for becoming Queen of the North. So far, she has been to more countries than states, but still can’t figure out how to work public transportation. If this writing thing doesn’t pan out, she’ll end up busking in the streets of Venice with her kazoo.

Helen Armstrong is a junior Print Communications major. When she grows up she wants to be either Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or a writer, whichever comes first. She's currently brainstorming a gay book about the afterlife, and her dream is to write fiction that is a) entertaining, b) refreshing, and c) not heteronormative. She's editor-in-chief at and tweets a mix of weird stuff and political rants @helenkarmstrong.

Hannah Carlson is a Senior Sociology major hoping to continue their career publishing poetry. They publish writing on their instagram @perchance2sleep and their blog when they can, in between senior thesis and smashing the patriarchy.   

Cassandra Parnell is an International Peace and Conflict Resolution student originating from Murfreesboro, Tennessee. She is proud to be a member of the queer and disabled communities on Arcadia's campus and finds writing inspiration in her friends, mental health, and social justice activism.

Chelsey Webber-Brandis is a visual and performing artist from Southern California. Her work is inspired by the themes of violence, trauma, memory, healing, and hope. Through symbolic representation imbued with meaning or abstract fluid works, she seeks to elicit a sense of vulnerability in the viewer. This work is meant to be decoded and to inspire thought-provoking questions about the microcosm of feminine existence in the macrocosm of a masculine world.  You can find her work on Instagram @Chelsey.Brandis.  Chelsey is responsible for the issue's cover image, "Anything You Want (Not That)," "Of Thorns and Paradise: Primavera" (which accompanies the Editor's Note), "Kate" (which accompanies "The Bribe"), "The Sweetness of the Outside Stereo" (which accompanies "The Bed in the Dining Room"), and "Ghosts" (which accompanies "Let Me"). 

Magazine Staff (Fall 2017)

Brendan McCourt, Editor-in-Chief

William Kyle Whitlock, Editor

Ruth Mitzel, Editor

Kerrianna Wallace, Editor

Leslie Austin, Reader

Daniel Balis, Reader

Monica Ditomassi, Reader

Rebecca Hane, Reader

Omar Odom, Reader