
By Caitlyn Somers

struck by

phantom beam eyes

of seven shaded deer stuck

on the side

of the road



the graveyard,


shadows slide from agape headstones

pointed yellow

cluster lights

and wheels


but one


About the Author

Caitlyn Somers is a senior English major at Arcadia University. She is about to graduate, and is terrified. She wants to be a college professor and desires to (eventually) publish a book of poetry. Her hobbies include: watching dance choreography videos on Youtube (and telling herself she will one day learn those dances, but never actually does), exploring nature, experiencing all forms of art, inhaling ice cream, and playing with dogs. She is obsessed with words: when she was little and used to play soccer, she would stand in the middle of the field, during a game, and scribble words in the air. Her parents and teammates were extremely confused, and told her to pay attention. As she transitioned into adulthood, she began to embrace her fascination with words. She always tries to find the right one, and when she fails to do so, she is frustrated. So it goes.