
By Jocelyn Royal

Artwork by Jewel Miller

The gardener planted all his

flowers in their lungs

Tiger Lilies for the first,

fiery blooms like love

Red Carnations for the second,

bloodred like pride

Little Purple Crocuses for the last,

violet and violent like courage

Water, Sunlight, and Love

He built them up, nourished them, 

and plucked their dead blossoms

But now, the garden lies forgotten

Butterfly Weed invades, 

ablaze across their hands

Little White Clover creeps,

inching down their throats

And the Forget-Me-Not weaves in their hair,

coiling and curling within the coils and curls

The first wilted and then found light,

Tiger Lilies and Daylilies planted like candles

The second picked up roots and then found hope,

Red Carnations and Belladonnas taken to their new plot

The last bloomed and then found freedom,

Spring Crocus still sprouting and Goldenrod ungroomed

The gardener’s gone now,

and yet we’re still growing.

About the Author

Jocelyn Royal is a third-year Biology major with a minor in Creative Writing. They are heavily involved in the sciences, but they value creativity and art immensely. They adore writing and are so glad they have the opportunity to share their passion with you.