One shot

By Katie bailey

Artwork by Jewel Miller

“Why are job interviews so difficult?” Vera thought to herself, “You would think they would be easy because all you have to do is talk yourself up, embellish a couple stories, and then just hope for the best. Even though I’ve done this dozens of times, it’s still tough.”

She noticed her leg moving up and down on its own and ceased the movement immediately. Nervousness is not a desirable quality in this business. However, she couldn’t help but agree with her tick that it was taking longer than expected to get this interview started. 

Vera took a deep breath, reminding herself that patience is a virtue. After all, this could be her big break if she gets the job. The company she was here for is well-known amongst everyone in her line of work. It’s high-paying, steady work that would mean she would finally escape the instability of contract work.

At last, a door swung open, and a well-dressed man stepped into the waiting room.

“Ms. Federico, I’m happy to announce that you have passed the first test. Please, come with me,” he requested.

Vera shoved her shock down as she rose from the chair to follow the man. She had to admit that was a clever test of her composure. 

The room she was brought into consisted of three people, plus the man who led her into the room. They all sat on the same side of a long wooden table with only a single chair on the opposite side, clearly meant to be for applicants.

Vera lowered herself into the chair, shoving down the intimidation she felt.

“Ms. Federico, please tell us about yourself.”

“I have been working in this line for three years now. My record, as you have seen, is flawless. I specialize in stealth work, but—”

The flash of a gun muzzle cut her off, and Vera dove to the ground just as the shot echoed through the room. She rushed the table and had a knife to the throat of the man on the end in seconds.

“Impressive reflexes. You’re the first today to pass this test,” the man laughed.

“Yes, I think that’s all we need to see. Ms. Federico, we would like to offer you the job as our new in-house assassin,” the woman said.

Vera slowly removed the knife from the man’s throat.

“I accept your offer.”

About the Author

Katie Bailey is a senior English major with minors in media and Italian. She does not write much in her free time, but she does has a big passion for music and is a part of the orchestra here at Arcadia. 

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