Aromanitc BLues and Greens and Yellows

By Lauren Amariti

Artwork by Leigh Ferrier

Rich Milf sweep me off my feet,

I almost want to give you the broom.

Propose to me while committing robbery

Please make it easy for me 

Tell me you'll love me

While you're taking something valuable 

I heard there's a study in your house

That belonged to your husband

Who died very suddenly last year

And that you want more life in your house again 

I could do it

I could read all the books and preserve all the papers

And make space for myself in there for the while 

But the door would always be closed

Can't you see I have to say no to you

Your kindness and passion is thanked

It won't change the state of the door 

I want to say "it's not you, it's me"

But I don't want you to think I am a problem.

I'm not a problem 

I used to think I was born 

a wound that won't heal.

Sometimes I think I still am


I think how easy it would be to buy a broom

And hand it over

Just pretend for a while

Just make it easy for everybody else 

And I always pin it on me

And I'm not wrong to!

This is a me problem

I messed up somewhere down the line

At a point I can't identify 

But that's the point in it being me

It's just how I am

And I haven't messed up just by living 

Dear Milf I'm sorry the door to the study is closed.

But I'm also not.

Not anymore. 

Thanks for all you wanted to give me but 

as much as you wanted to give it

I equally as much didn't want it 

Different doors will open for different people.

Please go find another hot 20 something

That will leave the door open for you 

And I will happily go my way 

And coexist with people who won't force 

That door open

About the Author

Lauren Amariti is a senior English major with a creative writing concentration with a knack for sewing tacky clothes that wouldn't look out of place in an early 1990's bowling alley. In the times when they're not writing angsty poetry like a knockoff Phoebe Bridgers, they enjoy writing fiction with particularly unhinged main characters.