Editor's Note

Check out a short poem about the process of creating this new website by another Co-Editor below!

Dear Readers,

This year has brought a lot of changes to the world, to Arcadia, and even to Quiddity.

In the Spring 2020 semester, we said goodbye to our amazing editors—Monica DiTomassi, Rebecca Hane, and Kate Knab—who left some big shoes to fill. Starting fresh for the Fall 2020 semester, Quiddity’s faculty advisor, Daniel Pieczkolon, brought on five new co-editors—Erica Bentley, Michaela Coll, Ryan Hiemenz, Sierra Tufts-Sicard, and Angel Rodriguez.

As one of the new co-editors, I can attest that taking over such big roles amid a pandemic when no one had a solid grasp of what was going on with an online semester was scary. We had so many ideas for the magazine that required a lot of cooperation which isn’t easy over Zoom. But, after a lot of work, we have a new issue and a brand-new website!

We hope everyone enjoys the pieces compiled in this new issue from so truly amazing student-writers at Arcadia!

- Sierra Tufts-Sicard (Co-Editor)

If You Give a Kid a Dream

Ryan Hiemenz (Co-Editor)

If you give a kid a dream,

he’ll want the ambition to achieve it.

He’ll probably not know where to start,

so he’ll want to go to college.

He’ll meet Daniel Pieczkolon.

When he meets Daniel,

he’ll probably ask to join Quiddity.

You’ll have to find a job for him.

The job will remind him of all of those who doubted him.

He might feel impassioned and want to prove himself.

He’ll want you to come along for his journey.

He’ll dig through his brain

for some inspiration.

Then he’ll write some poems.

When he’s writing those poems,

he’ll get some of them published.

He’ll be elated.

He’ll probably want to do even more for the lit mag.

When he’s more involved,

he’ll come up with some new ideas.

He’ll want to create a more recognizable logo,

and he’ll start drawing.

Then he’ll want everyone to see it.

So you’ll need a new website to post it.

When he and the other editors finish the website,

he’ll want to put the contest winners and blogs on it.

Then he’ll want to post all future issues on it too.

The editors had to give their time and effort,

all during the craziest year of their lives.

During the process, they will read many student submissions.

They’ll want to build the tenth issue.

So he will help the team pick out some poems, 

a creative nonfiction, and some fiction stories.

When the issue is finished,

they will want to decorate it.

He will ask you for your photos and artwork.

When they finally post the issue,

He’ll feel accomplished.

Feeling accomplished will remind him

of the ambition that brought him all this way.

He’ll probably be thankful for it.

And the chances are,

if he recalls his insatiable ambition,

he’ll remember the dream that started it all.