Stars in my eyes

By Katie Jobson

I have nothing to say

for the ordinary life

I never asked for;

brick by brick

destroy it

leave the white 

picket fence aflame,

let its past-consuming light

spark your cigarette

and the stars overhead,

they give direction

just not to me


lost and not yet alone

headlights on this

godforsaken road,

with people who have

no sense of ordinary 

their lips pursed with words

that could:

murder millions,

create a chaos 

this dimension

so desperately needs

worry and fear and anger

become nothing more

than half-lived memories

because interesting

costs quite the price

(your soul, $50,000,

tax not included);

and the nights

we would always

forget to remember

will one day knock on our doors

they will find us

late one fall afternoon

reminding us of where

we lost ourselves in the

endless beating 

of the unforgiving rain,

calling us back

to the place

where our lives

had just barely started,

waiting for us,

irrevocably in our youth.

About the Author

Katie Jobson is a sophomore psychology major at Arcadia University. She likes writing poetry as a hobby when she's not writing research papers. This is her first submitted work to a literary magazine.