
Jamie Stewart is half swan, half kangaroo. She has twenty nine fingers and no thumbs. You can imagine how hard that makes writing. Forgive her if her words seem a bit bizarre. Every Monday she stands on one foot for exactly thirteen minutes. Then she shouts Eureka! and continues on with her day. She may or may not blog at One of her ears glows in the dark. She'll never say which.

Marcella Haddad is a sophomore studying Linguistics and Education. She spent a semester studying in Scotland and a summer teaching English in Italy. She also writes for Arcadia's student blog, Because Arcadia. She enjoys Nutella, drawing dragons, and making up funny captions for classical paintings.

Devin Strickland is a junior at Arcadia University. She is currently majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. She works as a financial and administrative assistant at the Oak Summit Apartments and is Resident Assistant at the same location. She aspires to be a published writer and hopes to enter into the vastness of the editing field, before her lifelong dream of becoming a professor. In her spare time when she isn’t swamped with homework or in a corner writing, you can find her doodling in a book, day dreaming, and making new food concoctions (mostly involving chocolate).  In addition to "The Henderson's," Devin contributed the art pieces Henderson, Sullivan Sky, Shades of a Survivor, and The Trek, which respectively accompany "The Henderson's," "Glory," "Swan Lake," and the editor's note.   

Brendan McCourt is a Philadelphia native and student of both English and Philosophy at Arcadia University. He has been writing stories and poems for the better part of four years. His influences include Camus, Garcia Marquez, and O'Hara. 

Taylor Schmid is from Lititz, Pennsylvania. He will graduate from Arcadia University in May with a degree in English & Creative Writing. The morning following graduation, Taylor will fly to Chile and tour the Atacama Desert for one final hoorah before returning to PA and enrolling in adulthood. Taylor enjoys writing poetry and short fiction. He is also the 2016 recipient of the Arcadia University Creative Writing Award.

Becca Choi, English major and Art-major-wannabe, aspires to travel the world. She spends most of her time day dreaming and conjuring up adventures, vacations, and road trips.

Katie Jobson is a sophomore psychology major at Arcadia University. She likes writing poetry as a hobby when she's not writing research papers. This is her first submitted work to a literary magazine.

Kerrianna Wallace is a sophomore creative writing major. She is a writer and owner of too many journals. Even though she can write a poem in a minute, she has yet to write a complete novel. While she hopes that that changes someday soon, she's content trying to fill all of her journals with poetry.

Briana Stelzer is an English major at Arcadia University. She has been writing since freshman year of high school and she's been published in a few literary magazines like Navigating the Mazeand BRICKRhetoric and Surrounded. Despite that, she's still having a really tough time trying to write last lines.  She also contributed the issue's cover image, "Colorado in July."

Melissa Eckelmeyer is a sophomore English major. She has been writing stories and poems since she was six years old. When she is not writing or reading, she can be found playing with dogs and eating ice cream. 

Devon Merlino contributed the art pieces accompanying "Good Morning, Ghosts" and "Stars in My Eyes," which are titled Immortal Love and Flicker, respectively.  She is a freshman and is majoring in biology/pre-med. After completing her bachelors degree, she plans to attend medical school, where she will pursue a career in pediatric oncology. In her spare time, she enjoys photography, art, and playing the violin.

Alana Yeager contributed the art pieces accompanying "Viral," "Draugh & Mumble," and "Are There Hurricanes in Heaven?"

Christine Bondira contributed the art piece accompanying this page, "Strasburg, PA."  She is a senior English major at Arcadia University, with minors in Secondary Education and Psychology. Around campus, she is involved in the Honors Program and is on the editorial board for their scholarly journal, The Compass. She has also worked on campus as a mentor for international students and a first year seminar class. In her spare time, Christine enjoys painting, photography, and studying American Sign Language. She plans to become a high school English teacher after graduation, with the long term goal of becoming a professor.

*Please note that the art pieces accompanying "Always Wrong to the Light" and "Midsummer Night in July" are the work of an Arcadia artist who wishes to remain nameless; they are respectively titled "Knot in My Chest" and "Late for the Sunset." 

Editorial Staff (Spring 2016)

Kelsey Cohan

Marcella Haddad

Phylicia Hardy

Brendan McCourt

Devon Merlino

Hannah Shaffer

Briana Stelzer

Devin Strickland

Kerrianna Wallace