ode to the road

by Jocelyn royal

Artwork by Joanne McGinniss

It’s just a car

It’s just my car




from 2007

before a land of legacy

I was only 5

I was just 12

He is still 43

My car is lived in

the holes in the pleather

mysterious and gaping

the gaps in the bumper

mistakes I’m making

I think he’s proud of me

of my hands on the wheels

of the way I drive

oh– my trans

        mission is

probably shot

but at least im not

I think he’s nailed to the ceiling

so high up above

so close to the sky

reach– up to the sun

      roof and

sing to the heavenly sky

let the king hear it

I think he’s still there

over my right shoulder

over on third, bases loaded

out– I’m not a little



I’m not a girl anymore.

It’s just a car

It’s just his car




gone 2012

About the Author

Jocelyn Royal is a senior Biology major with a minor in Creative Writing. They've been published before in Quiddity and Phantasm. They adore writing, and they're so glad they've gotten the chance to delve into their craft in their time here.