Editor's Note

Artwork by Carly Maloney

[The scene opens with four seniors in Taylor 208 at the crack of dawn. They sit hunched over their laptops, staring at each other, an unspoken question in their eyes. How to introduce the 17th issue?]

Jewel: Hi Guys, welcome. 

Sydney: Hey, Hey, we need to write the editor’s note for Quiddity. 

Carly: I know bro

Jocelyn: We got this!

Jewel: Welp

Jewel: I guess we should welcome everyone to the issue first 


Jewel: Jeez, that was loud 

Carly: What, she’s excited.

Jocelyn: I approve of this excitement. 

Jewel: Anyways, welcome to Issue #17. 

Carly: The Spring 2024 one.

Jocelyn: In case that wasn’t obvious...

Sydney: Is there anything that we should most absolutely mention? 

Jocelyn: As always, I was a fan of the poetry.

Jewel: We did have a WILD range in poetry this semester. 

Sydney: Yeah, poems that broke form, others that sparked moral discussion. 

Jewel: Yeah, remember that fist fight that almost broke out during the first meeting?

Sydney: That never happened…

Jewel: Yes it did. 

Carly: Well I wasn’t there for that so I’m not morally traumatized like you guys.

Jocelyn: I don't know about all that...

Sydney: I really liked that one poem about the car. 

Jewel: That one was an “American Pie” reference. I love poems that are also “American Pie” references. Anyways. 

Jocelyn: I always really love being able to see what the staff thinks of my poetry when they can't tell it's mine. I need to know everything you think about it, for serious.

Sydney: It’s always a fun guessing game trying to figure out who's who's. Even with the fiction.

Carly: I was there for the fiction, and what a variety of fiction there was.

Sydney: There was dystopian--

Jocelyn: Sci-fi!

Jewel: Weird metaphorical wallpaper.

Carly: Ooh, and sad happy sailboat!

Sydney: Yes, sad happy sailboat made me think about things. 

Jewel: I do feel like we included so many more types of work in this issue. We accepted our first ever grad student work for a graduate feature, and added more sections to highlight our creative writing award winner, contest winners, and all of the senior manuscript work. 

Carly: The sad happy sailboat story made me think about how we’re seniors.

Sydney: Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry 

Jewel: We don’t need to think about that. 

Sydney: *far off wailing*

Jewel: Too late. 

Carly: Hey, get back here, we need to finish this editor’s note.

Sydney: It’s fine. I’m fine. *sniffles* I’m just not going to think about how this is our last semester on the Quiddity staff because of that stupid graduation thing we have to do. 

Jewel: Yeahhhh I feel like I’ve been here for four whole semesters and it still wasn’t enough. Quiddity is so fun and I feel like this semester especially had such interesting pieces and such a solid staff.

Jocelyn: I agree. I'm so jazzed that I've gotten to know such amazing writers and poets through Quiddity. You all inspire me to do more cool things with my writing, and I'm grateful to know y’all.

Sydney: I completely agree, and I’m looking forward to seeing where Quiddity goes in the future too. 

Carly: Based on the Hunger Games editor’s note from Julianna and Ryland last semester, there are some exciting things in store. 

Jewel: I’m probably going to cry while reading this issue. I mean hopefully everyone does. But not in a bad way just in a “this is the most spectacular Quiddity issue ever” kind of way. 

Sydney: Totally

Carly: Totally

Jocelyn: Totally

Sydney: I also want to thank everyone for contributing their time and effort this semester.

Jewel: Yeah especially all of the lovely new staff and all the new people who decided to contribute! I love when we can include new faces (definitely not just because we’re trying to get them to join the Quiddity cult before they realize how unhinged we are). 

Sydney: Yeah, we should definitely try to tamper the unhingedness in the editor’s note. 

Sydney: Is that it? Are we done?

Carly: What do you mean, we haven’t even started yet.

Jocelyn: I’ll never be done. 

Jewel: Yeah speaking of the editors note, we should probably write that. 

Sydney: Let’s bang this out. 
