
Artwork by Carly Maloney

Aurelia Bowers loves writing things that make sense to them. What they know is the feeling of isolation; good and bad. They know old friends and the smell of coffee from the next room; fallen branches and purring cats. They know how to make things work in favor of literature, no matter the context. Also, the distinct feeling of putting your hand in a jar and not being able to get it out (which has never happened to them. Never. Promise!). 

Dylan Burkett is a sophomore who majors in creative writing. He loves fantasy and one day wishes to work in children's publishing. He enjoys taking photographs in his free time, following in the footsteps of his father who majored in photography in high school.

Chicago native Sophia Burroughs is an up and coming freshman. She is studying environmental sciences in the hopes of becoming an environmental conservationist. She has an eye for beauty in nature and loves painting and photography to capture it.

JJ Demetrius is a sophomore English and Creative Writing Major. On campus, she is involved in Civic Scholars, Because Arcadia Blog, STAMPs, and is a Student Ambassador. They also went on FYSAE London last year to study abroad! Writing is a true love for them and she hopes to become a published author one day.

Ryan Everleth is a sophomore Creative Writing major and aspiring novelist. When not working on his current novel project, he enjoys writing flash fiction and short stories that are either deadly serious or utterly bizarre—there’s no in-between.

Sydney Howse is a senior English major with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in History. She loves the fantasy genre (especially anything with dragons in it), but can also be found writing and reading some other stuff. She also enjoys art such as drawing, painting, crocheting and felt animal making (please ask). She grew up in Houston, Texas, but does not consider herself a Texan by any means. Back in Texas, she has two dogs and a turtle and is always willing to show pictures to anyone who asks. 

Haylie Jarnutowski is a sophomore Creative Writing and History student. Her main art forms are fiction, poetry, and textiles. In her fiction work, she explores the reanimation of history, while her poetry focuses upon observation of the modern world. 

Molly Jones is a writer of speculative fiction from Northeastern Pennsylvania aiming to broaden the spectrum of proletariat literature. You can find her at the deepest, darkest corner of your local library, or in between the pages of Quiddity.

Nevaeh Keefer is a sophomore. She is an aspiring artist who wishes to one day open her own gallery. She focuses mostly on figure drawing. In her free time, she enjoys watching reality television with her family. 

Carly Maloney is a senior English major with a minor in Business Administration and is a reader for Quiddity.  As someone who is very interested in editing and plans to make it her career, she is excited for the opportunity to read others’ writing, both creative and technical.  In her free time she enjoys drawing, listening to music, and (very occasionally) playing guitar.   

Ryland McGinniss is a junior History and English major with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies. She loves to do advocacy work whenever she can, and honestly you'll probably see some of that reflected in her writing. When she's not busy with writing, she listens to music and one of her most prized possessions is her concert t-shirt collection.

Jewel Miller is a Senior Media and Communications student with a concentration in multimedia publishing and a minor in Creative Writing. Despite being a comm major, she is passionate about exploring all things writing and photography, and tries to incorporate both in her study. In her free time, she enjoys taking walks (preferably ones where she can look at trees), going on adventures with her friends, and spending time with her dog. 

Kate Piller is an English/Creative Writing major from Mount Pocono, PA. She dreams of becoming a famous playwright with her shows being performed on Broadway. Her inspiration to write comes from her family, friends, and the creator of Rent, Jonathan Larson. Her favorite things to do are to write, bake, watch the Lord of The Rings movies, and hang out with her cat, Richard.

Jocelyn Royal is a senior Biology major with a minor in Creative Writing, and they have never been happier than to get to partake in this creative endeavor. They've previously been published in Quiddity, Phantasm, and The Machine Mag, and they're hopeful that they'll be able to continue writing even after they graduate. 

Aileen Solana is a graduate student in the MA English program.  She works in the Academic Success Center of Bucks County Community College and as a freelance writer for industry trade magazines and web content.  Her free time is often spent with her overprotective dog, her husband, and four sons—and her order of preference for them changes on any given day.

Sophia Weissman is an up and coming freshman. She is a biology major, but enjoys taking photos for social media. She loves to read and wants to visit Europe one day.

Raquel Zuniga is a BFA student with a concentration in ceramics and an interest in all forms of art.