
Artwork by Joanne McGinniss

Ryan Everleth is a sophomore creative writing major and aspiring novelist. If he isn't hard at work on his current novel project, he's busy writing short stories that are either deadly serious or utterly bizarre--there's no in-between.

Dakota Lewis (they/them) is a sophomore double majoring in English and Media & Communications. They are rich in notes app poetry, Minecraft plushies, and old books and spend too much time on social media. 

Carly Maloney is a senior English major with a minor in Business Administration and is a reader for Quiddity.  As someone who is very interested in editing and plans to make it her career, she is excited for the opportunity to read others’ writing, both creative and technical.  In her free time she enjoys drawing, listening to music, and (very occasionally) playing guitar. 

Joanne McGinniss is an aspiring photographer and is currently a first year student majoring in Early Childhood Education. When she’s not taking photos, you can find her singing and trying to write songs.

Erin McGinniss is a junior History and English major with a minor in Gender and Sexuality Studies. She loves to do advocacy work whenever she can, and honestly you'll probably see some of that reflected in her writing. When she's not busy with writing, he listens to music and one of her most prized possessions is his concert t-shirt collection.

Jewel Miller is a Senior Media and Communications student with a concentration in multimedia publishing and a minor in Creative Writing. Despite being a comm major, she is passionate about exploring all things writing and photography, and tries to incorporate both in her study. In her free time, she enjoys taking walks (preferably ones where she can look at trees), going on adventures with her friends, and spending time with her dog. 

Kate Piller is a student at Arcadia University working toward a BFA in English with a Concentration in Creative Writing. She dreams of becoming a famous playwright, inspired heavily by Jonathan Larson. Her favorite things to do are writing, baking, spending time with her cat, Richard, and rewatching the extended editions of The Lord of The Rings trilogy.

Jocelyn Royal is a senior Biology major with a minor in Creative Writing. They've been published before in Quiddity and Phantasm. They adore writing, and they're so glad they've gotten the chance to delve into their craft in their time here.

Owen Skidds is a simple man who loves writing, kayaking, winter sports, and a healthy amount of idolized melancholic isolation. He occasionally writes poetry, but mostly dabbles in speculative fiction and fantasy writing. The biggest influences on his writing career are Robert A. Heinlein, Kurt Vonnegut, and Robert Kurvitz.

Gabriel Wilkes has long gravitated to concept art. Drawing comic book covers in 2nd grade is the likely inception of that; and today, they create primarily in digital or with charcoals. Their art and the commercial world are yet to coalesce, however they might not mind their art one day manifesting into music posters or album covers.