
BY kate piller

Artwork by Jewel Miller

I am lost in the woods

The grove swallowing me whole

I cannot see

I cannot breathe

He holds me in his hands

With a twist of his palms

I am reduced

To juice

I am a fly in a web

I am a prince

Longing for his love through an open window

During the embrace of the evening

The stars dance above me

And I am tied to the grass

Their freedom taunts me

I remain pressed in the moss

I am a fool in a grown man’s clothing

Like a child playing pretend

I have fallen in his venus flytrap

Tangled in his roots

Lost in his leaves

Suffocating on lilacs and daisies

A dead plant with no roots

A Castle crumbling without a structure

About the Author

Kate Piller is an English/Creative Writing major from Mount Pocono, PA. She dreams of becoming a famous playwright with her shows being performed on Broadway. Her inspiration to write comes from her family, friends, and the creator of Rent, Jonathan Larson. Her favorite things to do are to write, bake, watch the Lord of The Rings movies, and hang out with her cat, Richard.