Be Lilith

By Dakota lewis

Artwork by Gabriel Wilkes

Shrinking into the apple of a man’s eye

has never been comfy.

Lilith learned her lesson

but Eve’s folly left an impression.

My great grandmother immigrated for her sons,

and theirs are the only names I know. 

I wonder if she ever saw the same street signs 

in Edinburgh or New Brunswick or Glasgow.

I wonder if saw the same flaws 

in the men she died for. 

Agnes Bain – her husband’s bane – 

She gave him sons,

he gave her a drinking problem,

both are her problems. 

Wouldn’t let her finish being a girl

before making her a mother,

but she’s the villain here?

Am I going in the same direction?

Swallowing abuse like wine

to make up for the rib he gave,

as if it’s my sins 

that need repenting.

The actors keep changing,

but the play is staying the same.

Can the final act just end already? 

About the Author

Dakota Lewis (they/them) is a sophomore double majoring in English and Media & Communications. They are rich in notes app poetry, Minecraft plushies, and old books and spend too much time on social media.