At The Gate

Haylie Jarnutowski

Artwork by Sophia Weissman

Circle of travel-worn bodies, 

Embarking and adjusting

Sipping on overpriced lukewarm coffee, sharing

French fries and thoughts on guys

Looking over 

Spaghetti-strap shoulders

At travel pamphlets and romance novels

Backpacks, crewnecks, sudoku, passports

Gentles hugs and crooked smiles

Breathing new air, holding

Cheers to the terminal

If this is adulthood,

If this is freedom,

Then I’m not afraid to pick up my roots. 

About the Author

Haylie Jarnutowski is a sophomore Creative Writing and History student. Her main art forms are fiction, poetry, and textiles. In her fiction work, she explores the reanimation of history, while her poetry focuses upon observation of the modern world.