The Day of Lost Innocence

By autym Dahlman

There was an indulgence of alcohol 

A taste encapsulating my youth 

Sins that are completely anthropological 

And leave me scrambling for truth  

A day I felt my senescence

The 26th of September

My journey through adolescence 

Ended with a girl named Amber

A girl who shattered my spirits

Beyond the point of recovery

I was naive to only see merits

But our downfall allowed for my self-discovery

She was all I had ever known

My best friend from day one

However, with her change in tone

Her words became a handgun

One shot after the next

I realized she no longer cared

And our time together grew hexed

As her vanity was no longer undeclared

Something just switched, I suppose

Friends do grow apart

But she left me to decompose

And I suddenly lost my counterpart

This day also included glee

As I met my life long partner

I found someone to love me

That had no hate to harbor

A random day in the autumn,

A season I only relate to happiness

I lost myself hitting rock bottom

But was never lost in the emptiness

September has taught me

That people truly do come and go

I have a life-long memory 

In day 26 of my counterblow

About the Author

Autym is a Junior Photography major from Connecticut. She has keen eye for art and loves the difference in expression through both images and words.