The Shards to my Petals

By Haley Lofland

my reflection cannot be contained in the image you paint of me 

constantly growing, morphing, gnawing like a feverish animal 

my body is a rose, blooming instantly before fading into oblivion 

I have more thorns than petals, a plethora of leaves that grow and 


sometimes I bloom and grow, bathed in the halo of the sun 

othertimes my vines drag me deep into the soil of the earth 

my reflection cannot be contained in the image I paint of myself 

sliced by thorns and slipped back together, my shattered image is 


About the Author

Haley Lofland is currently a senior at Arcadia University. She brings her dreams to life by writing them on the page. Her poetry has appeared before in Quiddity and Moonstone Arts Center.