Color me blue

By michaela coll

A checkered white glove dances across the edges of a bare cheek 

fingertips flirting with grapevines that curl at the base of his neck sneak

grazing the softest parts of his physique  

her sight and taste are hooded under a Blue haze

smudging all her fine edges into disarray 

she feels the mystic Blues

as “Blue Lovers” bleed and fuse 

pieces of a checkered puzzle fitting into one

Chagall’s take on the idea of Plato’s Soulmates 

he’s the right and she’s the left

two heads meet in the middle, one heart to unify the rest 

consummation of a love so deep and true 

keep your pinks, red, and pastels

Color Me Blue 

About the Author

Michaela Coll is a junior English major with a concentration in Creative Writing and a minor in Professional Writing. In her free time, she enjoys writing poetry, spending time with her family, listening to music, talking to her friends, and creating art. She’s grown a deep passion for discussing literature and writing over the past few years and strives to use her own writing to help others.