Our team at Arosa appreciates all the support you have provided to our caregivers and being instrumental in supporting the safety of our clients and the stability of our caregiver workforce with the rollout of the vaccination plan. Your hard work and efforts have made a significant impact on many individuals' lives. While the ability to see client's directly did pose a challenge, the support you have provided to our caregivers who take care of our client's daily has been significant and appreciated.

Alexandra Carmona

Angela Washington

Olga Mateos-Sainos

Schuyler Zans

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Poster 4 Alexandra & Angela & Olga & Schulyer.pdf

Alexandra Carmona

California State University, Long Beach

Angela Washington

California State University, Northridge

Olga Mateos-Sainos

California State University, Northridge

Schuyler Zans

California State University, Northridge