Dear Students,

We are so very proud of your progress this year, especially considering the multiple challenges associated with the pandemic and the uncertainties you faced with us each day at the PACE center. We hope you know you’ve each made a noticeable impact, not only on our program participants and families, but also on our PACE staff who have been impressed by and appreciative of your efforts. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that one life has breathed easier because you lived here. This is to have succeeded.

Wishing you much success always, congratulations social workers!

Evelyn Santos

Gabriela Vargas

Jocelyn Cervantes

Julio Calvillo

Marlene Garcia

Melanie Barnes

Rosie Tanabe

Click the POP-OUT icon in the upper-right corner to view the enlarged poster in a new tab

Poster Evelyn Santos.pdf

Evelyn Santos

California State University - Los Angeles

Poster Gabriela Vargas.pdf

Gabriela Vargas

Azusa Pacific University

Poster Jocelyn Cervantes.pdf

Jocelyn Cervantes

California State University, Northridge

Poster 2 Julio & Rosie.pdf

Julio Calvillo

California State University, Long Beach

Rosie Tanabe

California State University, Long Beach

Poster Marlene Garcia.pdf

Marlene Garcia

California State University, Long Beach

Poster Melanie Barnes.pdf

Melanie Barnes

California State University, Long Beach