
After doing a lot of research about the question of Why aren't there as many women in business management as men, I found out a lot more about the question than I thought I would. I found so many different websites with data from survey's or research questions they had conducted in real life. This helped me understand my question in real life better, and how it affects a lot of women. Moreover, the number of women in management positions have been significantly lower than men for a lot longer than I thought. Still to this day there is a lot less women, however, changes are slowly being made and more women are being added into management each day. 

After creating this project, I feel like I have learned a lot more about writing than I thought I would. Meaning, I now know how to write for my discourse community and what is useful when writing in it when it comes to researching my topic. As well as, how to take information I have already gathered and researched and turn it into a different type of writing such as this website. I feel like this will help me a lot in the future, and I know a lot more about my field in a research way and writing way.