Future ways for women to be more present

As seen from the data, there is still a long way to go for women to be seen as equal as men in management positions. It is clear to see that women are faced with more challenges to become a part of management than men are. However, researchers are working each day to provide the data needed to portray how much women can make an impact in these jobs daily. By doing this, management jobs could be taken to another level due to the increased amount of strong and knowledgeable people no matter their gender. 

Small actions can be done daily in order to have more women in management. Such as simply interviewing qualified women for these positions (Council Post, 2021). This is giving them just as equal as an opportunity as men as well as allowing them to present their strengths. To continue, more people need to let go of the beliefs and opinions they have about women in these roles and start by looking at the success's women have achieved in management. Lastly, spreading the word about the positives of having diversity in a business such as, increasing profit, new ideas, more opinions, etc. (Council Post, 2021). All of these actions can be done daily in the hopes to eventually create a better-rounded community in the business management field.