
The graph portrays the current data of the different genders and ethnicities in business management and what their average pay is. As presented in the graph, it is clear to see that still to this day there is a significantly higher number of men getting paid more than women no matter their ethnicity (GAO, 2022). The graph also presents the number of each male and female that have jobs in management. Moreover, the graph cleary presents that their is a higher amount of men than women still in management. 

 However, research has been done and shows that when more women are present companies become more profitable, socially responsible, higher quality customer service, etc. (Post, 2021). Researchers found that when women joined firms were increasingly more open to change and embraced transitions helping their firms greatly. After conducting this research, the researchers stated that having women in management positions has many positives to it. Such as, opening up to new challenges, having more opinions on important tasks, and having a overall better rounded work environment. These researchers continue to study in hopes to impact firms and provide the positives of adding women into these managment jobs (Post, 2021).