Why Are There not as many women as men?

Over the years, more women have been becoming a part of business management. However, there are still not as many as there are men. There are many different questions as to why this is. Such as, are men being favored, are women not as capable to work in this field as men, or are there statistics that present why this is? All of these questions have been developing over the years and first arised when the problem became a continuous issue. 

To continue, an article from Harvard states that men are better at daily tasks than women (Scarborough,2018). Meaning they are able to do management tasks such as hosting meetings, hiring new employees, keeping up with everything much better than women. This is a statement that has been surveyed since 1990-2010, according to Harvard (Scarborough, 2018). 

Another reason why most think there are more men than women is because men tend to pick men while women tend to pick women. Moreover, there are more men in the business management positions, meaning they are going to pick more men leaving women behind (Scarborough, 2018). 

Moreover, a survey was done that states that women have to work also while focusing on home tasks (Sahadi, 2023). Since early on, women have always been seen as the one to stay home and take care of the children. This has prevented less women to get jobs since some still believe this to be true.