Where This Is

PSY 3010 is scheduled from 11-11:50 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

The course is designated as hybrid, which means that some of the course happens online and some of the course happens in person. Although Appalnet lists locations for the course (it says Mondays Smith Wright 200 and Wednesdays/Fridays Belk 108), we will NOT always be in those locations on those days.

We are starting the semester in Zoom (see AsULearn for the Zoom link).

At some point, we will switch to using either or both of those reserved rooms, and when that happens, I will email you the specifics. I'll also change this part of the syllabus to explain where you should be when. In the meantime, if you will be on campus during our Zoom sessions and need a place from which to Zoom, Smith-Wright Hall 200 will be available for that purpose every MWF during class time. If you choose to sit in our classroom during those Zoom sessions, please bring your own device and headphones to use with it. I will design our Zoom sessions assuming that everyone is on their own device (even if some of you are sitting in the same room).

As the teacher, I will make choices about location (online vs. in-person) based on what I think will lead to the most learning, and it is my hope that you will try to engage with the course activities and experiences that I have selected. That being said, life happens, and sometimes, you might need/prefer to be online at times that are intended to be in-person. I am committed to working with each student on this, so if you need something that is in a different mode than what I am presenting, please email me about it.