Stuff We Do

A pyramid depicting the activities of the course. The top tier shows Case Studies and Final What I Wish Reflection.  The middle tier prepares for success on the top tier and lists Culminating Papers,  What I Wish Reflections, and Process Reflections. The bottom tier prepares for success on the middle tier and lists Class Attendance, Concept Checks, Group Video Analyses. Field Experience, and Field Notes.

The pyramid above lists all of the activities and assignments we'll do this semester, and it depicts how each activity relates to the others. The idea is that basic activities at the bottom of the pyramid prepare you for success on the more complex activities at the top of the pyramid. The boxes below elaborate on what each of the activities will involve. Full instructions and prompts will be provided on AsULearn.

Star magic wand on yellow background

What I Wish Reflection

Your main focus during the semester will be writing about something you wish was different in teaching in learning. Maybe you wish teachers did things differently than they do, that legislators understood things differently, or that students were supported differently. Whatever you're passionate about is what you'll write about, and we'll keep coming back to that reflection throughout the semester, refining it based on new knowledge and feedback.

Magnifying glass on red background.

Case Study Analyses

At the end of each unit, you'll apply what you've learned to a hypothetical teaching and learning situation that has gone awry. You'll decide what evidence-based practices the teacher doesn't understand, and you'll offer solutions to improve their teaching. I'll give you feedback on your strengths and opportunities for improvement in your analyses, which you'll be able to incorporate into subsequent Case Studies.

Red path with stopping points on gray background.

Process Reflections

Four times during the semester, you'll be asked to submit a reflection about your progress and process in the course, including your personal assessment of the letter grade you feel you have earned. In conjunction with my feedback, this grade will be used to determine your final grade in the course. That's right—you're giving yourself your grade. 😳 Don't worry, I will help you do this. I know it's weird. But nearly every student who has experienced this has loved it in the end.

Two desks and a chalkboard on blue background.

Class Attendance

The semester will start in Zoom (link on AsULearn) and then will likely move to Mondays in Smith-Wright Hall 200 and Wednesdays/Fridays in Belk Hall 108 (an active learning classroom for group work). The exact mode/format of the course will depend on a variety of factors, including COVID safety and your own preferences. All Zoom and in-person class sessions are optional, and there is an online "replacement activity" for any missed sessions.

Paper with large red check mark on yellow background

Concept Checks

During each sub-unit, you'll engage with your choice of video and text resources on AsULearn. You'll also learn some content in our Monday class meetings. Then, you'll take a quick Concept Check—take it as many times as you need until you get 100% correct. This lets you know that you understand the main ideas of the unit.

Gray movie clapperboard.

Video Analyses

Halfway through each unit, you'll work in small groups to evaluate a video of an excellent teacher. Together, you'll identify which evidence-based practices the skilled teacher is using. You'll keep returning to the same video of the excellent teacher throughout the semester, deepening your understanding of exactly what it is that makes them successful.

Tip of pencil on blue background.

Culminating Papers

At two points during the semester, you'll be asked to reflect on what you've learned up until that point. These papers are common across all 3010 sections and will go into your TK20 portfolio. Together with the Field Notes, these are the only things that will be graded using a rubric with points. That's because it's a requirement of TK20. The points won't matter in the determination of your final grade, though—that's up to you (and me in dialogue with you).

Binoculars on red background

Field Notes

To receive credit for PSY 3010, you'll also need to complete the requirements for a field experience. This experience is managed by Diane Wilcox— all information and assignments pertaining to it are listed in her AsULearn course. That being said, you will submit 2 Field Notes to me (connecting class to the field) during the course. Also, the College of Education requires successful completion of the Field Experience components before you can be marked as passing the course.