When Stuff Is

PSY 3010 Detailed Course Schedule-Spring 2022

Is something gonna be late?

All of the due dates are listed in the Course Schedule, which can be found on AsULearn. It makes your life easier if you turn things in by those dates so you don't fall behind in the course. It also means I can get you feedback on your lower-stakes assignments before you have to turn in the more difficult, higher-stakes assignments. It also makes my life easier, because nobody wants to give feedback on tons and tons of late work at the end of a semester. That being said, life happens, so you can consider the "due dates" to be "best by dates," meaning everyone's life will be better if you submit on or before those days. If you can't do that, though, just submit the Late Work Explanation Form. No questions asked. (Except the optional questions on the form 🙃).