Stuff We Need


Stack of books

We have one textbook in this course (Ormrod, J. E. Educational Psychology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon) which is provided through the ASU textbook rental program. Many students find the textbook helpful, but it is not a required element for success. This is because every unit will be accompanied by a Resource Menu on AsULearn. The Resource Menu has a variety of things including:

  • videos that relate to the content

  • webpages that align to the unit

  • a list of the relevant textbook chapters

  • lecture notes/powerpoint slides

  • an AsULearn "book" written by me that includes a mix of the above elements

The idea is that you interact with whichever resources you prefer until you think you have a good handle on the concepts for the unit. You'll then take a Concept Check, which will give you an idea of whether you've got it or whether you need to circle back.

Some of this course will be completed through virtual learning activities on AsULearn. Many of these activities will happen asynchronously (meaning that you complete them online, in your own time), although there are times you will be asked to participate synchronously through a Zoom session. Additionally, although our intention is to have many face-to-face elements in the classroom, this course is designated as "hybrid," which means some elements DO happen online. Most students have found that a laptop or desktop computer with WiFi access is the best device for this course. When we do meet in Zoom, I will often have a slide shared at the start of class that contains the class agenda and an ice-breaker question for the chat. Feel free to sit with your video and mic muted while you engage in the chat—I'll do the same. Once class begins, I will unmute my video. I invite you to do the same, as it enhances engagement for all involved, but I will trust you if you feel that you need to have the video off.


Laptop computer

Contact Info


Student Hours

Faceless outline of a woman with auburn hair, approximating Dr. Masland

The best way to reach me is through email at I will try to respond within 24 hrs, but particularly hectic times might take more than that. Just like y'all, I am BUSY, so please trust that I making my best effort to respond ASAP.

I'm also available through my Student Hours (aka Office Hours), which I host on Zoom on Tuesdays from 9-10 am and Wednesdays from 12- 1 pm. The link for student hours can be found in the Welcome section of our AsULearn site. I am also available at lots of other times— all you need to do is email me and we can set up a one-on-one or small group Zoom.

Lastly, you are welcome to follow me on Instagram (@doctorlindsay) or Twitter (@LindsayMasland) if you are interested in seeing how I approach the world. Disclaimer that I sometimes use "grown-up words" on social media. Sorry not sorry about that. 🙃 Please note that social media is not a good venue for questions about class, as I may miss them. Also, I may "follow back" as a courtesy (or maybe not cause sometimes I miss follows), but feel free to ignore that request.