Classroom Rules and Behavior Expectations

Classroom Rules and Behavior:

There is only one absolute rule in my class:

Students can do what they want in my class so long as they:

  • Participate to the best of their ability.
  • Don’t cause a problem for anyone else.
  • Follow the general CSS behavior guidelines.

This rule implies respectful, kind, engaged behavior, and I expect this from all of my students.

If student behavior causes problems, these problems will be discussed with the goal of solving the problem.

Possible interventions include:

  • One-on-one conversations.
  • Warnings.
  • Removal from an activity.
  • Loss of privileges
  • Extra time in the classroom
  • Office referral and intervention.

Generally, problems that are not fixed relatively quickly and easily will result in a phone call or email home in addition to the items on the list above.

Student Use of Technology:

Students will each be expected to use their account for school work. They are expected to be good digital citizens, observing basic rules of respectful behavior and interaction as they use technology.

Students are expected to treat all technological equipment with care and respect. Students who damage equipment or seem unable to use it appropriately will have their privilege to use it revoked.