Book Recommendations

Student Recommendations!

Here is a link to a spreadsheet of recommendations by students. The spreadsheet is organized by genre:

Recommendations by Mr. McClain's Students

Book Lists

Here’s a list of several websites and blogs that I’ve found that highlight or list books for middle school students. I can’t vouch for the quality of each book on each list, but I hope that they will be helpful to my students and the adults in their lives as they look for interesting reads.


-Mr. McClain

This is a great list of award-winning books for young readers that goes back several decades:

Newbery Award and Honor Books

This is a list of book awards and other book lists put together by the American Library Association:

YASLA's Book Awards and Book Lists

Here is a blog that has a couple of good lists focused more for advanced or highly motivated readers:

This list includes high interest books for readers of all ability levels:

Young Reader’s Choice Award Nominees and Winners