Grade 2

Art in second grade turns a corner from just exploring and building upon the Elements and Principles of Art, to using them to convey meaning within ones art. Students continue to explore and use different art mediums; however students now have more control over their use. Students continue to grow and expand upon line, shape, color, pattern, and balance, this new confidence allows for new elements and principles to be added, such as; form, value and emphasis.

Students Explore:

  • Drawing and Painting

  • Portraiture

  • Clay Techniques

  • Digital Art

  • Landscape

  • Printmaking

artists that we love!

Sheela Gowda teaches us how we can use unlikely art materials to make a work of art.

Claude Monet teaches about how light and different types of brushstrokes can make a a landscape look "hazy" or impressionistic within a work of art.

Gillian Ayres teaches us how shapes, lines and colors can be used to abstract certain objects within a work of art.

books that we love!

By: Javaka Steptoe
By: David Wiesner
By: Andrea Beaty, illustrated by: David Robert