
What is it?

Anxiety is the mind and body's reaction to stressful, dangerous, or unfamiliar situations. It's the sense of uneasiness, distress, or dread you feel before a significant event. A certain level of Anxiety helps us stay alert and aware, but occasionally it can become over powering.

What does it look like?

Signs of anxiety may present differently in children and adolescents than in adults. Common signs can include:

When does Anxiety become a problem?

Everyone experiences anxiety sometimes.

Anxiety becomes a problem when:

  1. Anxiety goes off when there is no real danger (e.g., like a smoke alarm that goes off when you’re just making toast.)

  2. Anxiety happens a lot.

  3. Anxiety feels pretty intense.

  4. Anxiety stops you from doing fun and important things that you want to do (e.g., like going to school dances or parties, making friends, getting your homework done, or getting a job)

Activities that may help

A place to keep the worries when there is no time to think about them. Write the worries on paper and put them in the box, talk about them at a later time when calm. When worry no longer needs to be addressed- rip it up and throw away!
Have fun making one then when needed shake it up and watch everything settle- it can be incredibly relaxing and soothing to watch. Try some deep breathing while you watch to add an extra calming strategy!
Use any special rock or hand make your own. Rub them between your thumb and forefinger to reduce stress- carry them with you anywhere!
Deep breathing helps get more oxygen into your bloodstream. It has a physical effect on your body to help you calm down and lower stress. There are so many fun activities that can help teach your kid how to do deep breathing!

Read a book

Reading a book is not only a great activity that can be relaxing, but the right story can also create a teachable moment for your kid.

For more books click here:

Copy of Ruby Finds a Worry.mp4

Ruby Finds A Worry: Here is a great story that normalizes the idea of having worries and emphasizes the importance of talking about those worries to make them feel more manageable.


Products and resources to help teach children healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety and anger

Anxiety in youth and children- information, workshops and more!

Care for your Coronavirus Anxiety - You're not in this alone!